Category: Member Meeting Minutes
Board Members in Attendance
Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure
Brett Boyton Kathie Weibel Anne Nolan
Joan Krueger
Standing Items
- Call to order
- Introduction of guests or new members
- Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
- Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) Letter to be approved for work in
- Reports of standing and special committees
- Membership (Brett) nothing to report
- Building (Gerd) nothing to report
- Finance (Gerd)
- Balances Jan 12 2022
- Savings account $27,265.16
- Checking account $ 7,194.96
- TOTAL $34,460.12
- RBCC has been paid by self defense class thru August
- $377 donated from Arts and Crafts Fair
- Following today’s election Su Harambe, Gerd Prewett, and Alan Ross will have authority to sign checks for RBCC
- Technology (Alan) nothing to report
- Social (Danielle) nothing to report
Old Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- Shout-out to Alan for all of his work to make the Arts and Crafts event a success!
- Alan acknowledged artists donating money to help support
New Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- 2022 Board Election. Here are the open positions and candidates which were all elected by secret ballot:
- JoAnn thanked Danielle and Alan serving on committee and everyone for stepping up to run for and hold office
- President – Kathie Weibel
- Vice Pres – Gerd Prewett
- Treasurer – Alan Ross
- Corresponding Secretary – Danielle McClure
- Recording Secretary – Anne Nolan
- Trustees:
- Erin Rizzo Mich
- Jessica Reisman
- Joan Krueger
- 2022 Budget Update
Guest Speaker – Link to speaker presentation
Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, updated members on recent changes in the library system including tutoring, the new metal boxes, copying policies and the cancellation of the book sale (and whether it has impacted revenue).
Announcements (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- Champs Resource & Service Center is working with the City of Seattle and the community to develop the Rainier Beach Skatepark. They seek to create a state of the art, family and mixed-use, free public skatepark (non-electric wheels) that will bring community together to gather, learn, ride skateboards, scooters, inline skates, and BMX bikes. They need our support!
- Letter to SPU with Concerns about Taylor Creek project’s plan for a 12’ service road through Dead Horse Canyon’s park. See draft below
Next meeting is February 9 – Featured Speaker
Adefua Kouyate of Rainier Valley Creative District. Launched in 2021 and located in Columbia City, RVCD’s mission is to establish an active arts and culture coalition that advocates for Rainier Valley’s artistic and cultural community by fostering collaboration, boosting collective visibility and addressing economic inequity.
Date: January __, 2022
To: Michael Yadrick, Seattle Parks & Recreation
Cc: Cody Nelson (SPU), Tammy Morales
From: Rainier Beach Community Club
Re: Concerns about SPU Project in Dead Horse Canyon
Rainier Beach Community Club (RBCC) is a long-standing organization in and for our neighborhood. We have over 100 members and our mission is to enhance and maintain the quality of life for residents of the Rainier Beach community through civic, service and community building activities.
Dead Horse Canyon is a beloved urban forest sanctuary for our neighborhood. We live next to the park and are invested in its long-term health and preservation. Our members have taken a keen interest in SPU’s Taylor Creek Restoration Project and in July 2021, Cody Nelson of SPU provided RBCC members a progress report.
Since then, we have been advised of a couple of potential SPU actions that are of concern to us, most notably, the proposed 12’ wide road over the current footpath which we believe will result in the loss of mature trees and recently planted native shrubs. It will also disturb wildlife and further erode an already steep and hilly slope. In short we fear that it will permanently alter the character of Dead Horse Canyon and urge serious consideration of alternative methods of transporting material using the existing trail.
Further, we ask SPU to keep the park as open and accessible as possible throughout the project. We also request that the Taylor Creek restoration project allocate funds for repairing the Bangor access trail and the Rustic Hairpin work party access trail to make them safer.
As stakeholders of Dead Horse Canyon, RBCC would like to continue to get periodic updates from SPU (our member meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm) as well as ongoing opportunities to provide input.
We look forward to hearing back from you and a fruitful relationship. Please contact our Corresponding Secretary __________ at to set up a progress report to our members and answer any questions that you might have.
Board members In Attendance
Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Kathie Weibel
Alan Ross Brett Boynton Gerd Prewett
Joan Krueger Danielle McClure
Standing Items
- Call to order
- Introduction of guests or new members
- Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
- October 2021 minutes approved
- November 2021 minutes approved
- Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing to report
- Reports of standing and special committees
- Membership (Brett) nothing to report
- Building
- Finance – (Gerd) 2021 Year-End Budget Update
- balances as of 12/08/2021
- savings $ 27,264.74
- checking $ 6,795.77
- TOTAL $ 34,060.51
projected for 2022
- income $11,356
- expenses $14,761
- projected loss $ 3,405
budget is approved for 2021
- Technology (Alan) nothing to report
- SOcial (Danielle) nothing to report
Old Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- Virtual Arts and Crafts Event Update
- Virtual Event: Wednesday, November 24 through Saturday, December 18
- Pop Up Sale: Saturday, December 4, 11am – 2pm
- 11 artists participated in pop up event
- it was successful in spite of weather
New Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- 2022 Board Candidate Update – Open positions include: President, VP, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and Trustees. The nomination/election process for 2022 RBCC Board is as follows:
- December 8 – Slate of candidates identified (Alan) slate presented
President: Kathie Weibel
Vice President: Gerd Prewett
Treasurer: Alan Ross
Recording Secretary: Anne Nolan
Corresponding Secretary: Danielle Mcclure
2 year Trustee: Erin Rizzo
2 year Trustee: Jessica Reisman
1 year Trustee: OPEN (filling Danielle’s 2nd year)
2 year Trustee: (2nd year) Brett Boynton
- January 5- Vote
- February 9 – 2022 RBCC Board terms begin
- Seattle Department of Transportation is seeking immediate neighborhood feedback by its 12/15 City Council presentation on its pilot scooter share program. The city saw over 200,000 unique riders take over 1.4 million trips. While the Dept. advocates improvements going forward such as keeping scooters from blocking sidewalks, there’s been strong use in income-qualified plans and a successful partnership with Outdoors for All which offered adaptive cycling experiences.
Featured Speaker
Heather Trim of Zero Waste Washington updated us on zero waste initiatives that have been passed in 2021 and on future policy issues in the areas of reducing plastic waste and plastic pollution, tackling food waste and addressing climate change. Zero Waste Washington is a statewide nonprofit organization that works to make trash obsolete. They work in partnership with numerous community groups, ngos and others to help get laws passed at the city, county and state level.
Announcements (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- Ed Gow updated us that Seattle Parks Department plans to put a road through Dead Horse Canyon to carry supplies to install and move materials. People can contact Cody Nelson at Seattle Parks Department and Public Utilities to identify other options rather than constructing a large road. The community should consider writing a letter to the parks department and public utilities asking that road not be installed. Ed Gow will provide information to the board. The details will be reviewed at the next board meeting and they will report back at the next general meeting.
Next meeting is January 12 – Featured Speaker
Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, will update members on recent changes in the library system including tutoring, the new metal boxes, copying policies and the cancelation of the book sale (and whether it has impacted revenue).
Board Members in Attendance
In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Danielle McClure
Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton Kathie Wiebel
Alan Ross
7 other RBCC members in attendance.
Standing Items:
- Membership: Nothing to report
- Building: Su mentioned that we’re getting more rental inquiries for larger
parties wanting to serve alcohol. She is concerned about the covid risks. This will be discussed again at the Board meeting.
- Finance: Our balance is $31,598 ($4,334 in checking and $27,264 in
savings). Ellen and Ron Angeles made a $100 donation to RBCC. Thanks!!
- Technology: Meeting link in RBCC website seems to have expired.
- Social: See “New Business” below
Old Business:
- Boo-Bash – Was a great success despite having only 20 days to pull off. Well attended with great music, dancing, jump-roping and pony rides. Props to Champs and RBAC whose efforts helped raise $35K from the event.
New Business:
- Alan reported that the page for the virtual Arts and Craft Event will be live from November 24 thru December 18. It will include links to pop-ups and other artists for F2F sales on Saturday, December 4,
- 2022 Board – Members should email RBCC if they are interested in being on the Board. The process is as follows:
- November 10 – Selection of Nominating Committee:
- Joanne Deschant (chair)
- Alan Ross
- Danielle McClure
- December 8 – Slate of candidates identified
- January 5- Vote
- February 9 – 2022 RBCC Board terms begin
- November 10 – Selection of Nominating Committee:
Featured Speaker
Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, did not speak because we forgot to send her the meting link. We will reschedule her soon. In the meantime, members were encouraged to check out the Library’s survey soliciting input on ideas for improving its services.
- Alan alerted the membership that the RB Institute has been dissolved.
- Su advised that Youth Care (next to the hair supply store on Rainier) was seeking donations in the form of gift cards, which can be conveniently sourced at the Safeway. Cards from local businesses are also encouraged.
Next meeting is December 8, 2021 – Tentative Speaker
Heather Trim, Executive Director of Zero Waste Washington will tell us the latest on what zero waste initiatives that have been passed this past year and updates on future policy issues in the areas of reducing plastic waste and plastic pollution, tackling food waste and addressing climate change. Zero Waste Washington is a statewide nonprofit organization that works to make trash obsolete. They work in partnership with numerous community groups, NGOs and others to help get laws passed at the city, county and state level.
Board Members in Attendance
Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Gerd Prewett
Brett Boynton Anne Nolan Joan Krueger
Kathie Weibel Dorothy Driver
Standing Items
- Call to order
- Introduction of guests or new members
- Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting Alan moved, Anne seconded Approve i(Membership Meeting Minutes)
- Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing
- Reports of standing and special committees
- Membership (Brett) nothing
- Building
- (Gerd) noticed wheelchair accessible ramp to lower level of building
- (Keegan) building may become Covid vaccination site
- South shore would like to host drive thru covid vaccination center
- Finance (Gerd)
savings $ 27, 263.80
checking $ 5,997.12
TOTAL $ a33,260.92
- Technology (Alan) working with local artists and organizing art show which will be virtual this year
- Social (Danielle) see below
Old Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- None to date.
New Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- Harvest Social is cancelled due to the Delta variant. We are looking forward to the future when it will be safe to meet in a group
- RBCC sent a letter of support for the reopening of Volunteer Park’s Amphitheater to help them secure funding for free multicultural music, theater, and dance performances in the summer of 2022.
- Virtual Arts and Crafts Event will be held in December. Alan contacted all artists who were involved in last years sale and a few additional artists. On line event will launch the day before Thanksgiving. While we are not excluding new artists, Alan is only including artists who have been juried. Artists can contact Alan to update their info to include in person visits to their studio.
Announcements (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- The Rainier Beach Presbyterian Church is doing a drive to support Afghanistan refugees. There is a drop off at the church the last week of the month.
- BOO BASH Halloween Trunk or Treating at Rainier Beach Community Center 2-5 pm
Featured Speaker – Link to recording of speaker presentation
UW Asst. Professor and Co-Chair of Seattle’s Planning Commission, Rick Moher will speak on the new designation of Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods from “single family” to “neighborhood residential”. He will answer questions about how it will impact Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods.
- this is a name change, not a zoning change
- all neighborhoods have been included in clarification of designation
- we need to double housing growth to keep up with demand
- Rainier Beach is designated at Residential Urban Village
- comprehensive plan can be tracked on line
Alan moved to adjourn
Anne seconded
Next meeting is November 10, 2021 – Featured Speaker
Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, will update members on recent changes in the library system including tutoring, the new metal boxes, copying policies and the cancelation of the book sale (and whether it has impacted revenue).
Board members present
Alan Ross Anne Nolan Gerd Prewett
Danielle McClure Brett Boynton Joan Krueger
Standing Items
- Call to order
- Introduction of guests or new members
- Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
- Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing to report
- Reports of standing and special committees
- Membership (Brett) nothing to report
- Building (Gerd)
- rentals on hold
- one renter 2 days per week
- Finance
- $ 33,415.35 total
- $27, 263, 38 savings account
- $ 6,151.97 checking account
- $300 monthly rent
- Technology (Alan)
- webpage was updated
- zoom account has been extended to monthly
- Social (Danielle)
- all in person events have been
- Old Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- arts and crafts still not certain
- None to date.
New Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
- All upcoming F2F social events such as the Wine Tasting and Harvest Social are on hold due to the Delta variant.
- Thanks to all who volunteered at the B2SBackpack event on August 28. Also, RBCC gave $500 to this worthy cause.
- fliers were distributed to welcome people to meetings
- members volunteer to set up
- We want to know what you think! To this end, we will soon be surveying RBCC members about what they would like to see in terms of when we meet, how we meet, types of speakers, social events and volunteer events.
- Keegan will be sending out survey to determine what types events neighbors would like to see occur
- survey will be emailed in the next month or 2
- Alan is exploring ways to distribute questionnaires
- RBCC neighbor and head of a new group, The Friends of Be’er Sheva Park, Brandon Works will give a brief presentation about a project that he’s been working on to improve the landscaping in some of the public right-of-ways in our neighborhood. The city will mow the median but not plant anything. Brandon is proposing that we plant some of these options:
- wild flower meadow
- bench at outlook points
- entrance perennial and annuals
He is willing to do installation but he needs commitment of community members to do some work to maintain the plantings. His email is for anyone interested in contacting him. Brandon wrote a grant but needs community support in order to move forward.
- Carol O’Brian has copy of 100 year Rainier Beach Women’s Club 1908-2008 She would like to offer it as a library book for neighbor to borrow. We would like to do this with a Kubota garden book as well. Carol will bring it to Alan and we will organize
No Featured Speaker This Month
Next meeting is October 13, 2021 – Featured Speaker
Rick Moher, the Co-Chair of Seattle’s Planning Commission will present the Commission’s recommendation to create a zoning change from “Single Family” to “Neighborhood Residential”. He will answer questions about how it will impact Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods.
Board members Present
Keegan OConnor Kathie Weibel
Gerd Prewett Alan Ross
Anne Nolan Joan Krueger
Standing Items
- Call to order
- Introduction of guests or new members
- Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes) approved
- Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing to report
- Reports of standing and special committees
- Membership (Brett).nothing reported
- Building (Su)
- we decided not to rent VFW hall for a while due to Covid numbers rising…
- gutter work complete, thank you to Gerd and Kathie
- Finance in email (Gerd)
- RBCC Balances
- Savings account $27,262.86
- Checking account $,6086.15
- VFW agreed to reduced rent for balance of year
- Technology (Alan)
- website updated to reflect hold on rentals
- Social (Danielle) see below
Old Business
- Gutter work on VFW / RBCC clubhouse is done!
- Here’s link to Taylor Creek project. SPU will be updating this in 4Q21 to reflect changes they presented in RBCC’s July 14 meeting. Taylor Creek Restoration
New Business
The following events are currently scheduled to be held in person pending Covid numbers
- Rainier Beach Back 2 School Bash – Saturday, August 28, 12-4pm , Rainier Beach Community Center Plaza (Rainier & Henderson). May still need volunteers (even though deadline was 7/30). Event provides students and families with backpacks, school supplies and information about neighborhood and educational resources, food, clothing and entertainment.
- Wine Tasting event – Saturday, October 9, doors 7pm, tasting 7:30-10pm -Bring a bottle of French red wine $20 or less and wine glass per person, $10 in advance, $15 at door.. Prepay link
- Harvest Social, Friday, November 26, 6-10pm community pot luck dinner. May have slightly different format
- Arts & Crafts Market, Saturday, December 4, 10am-2pm
Featured Speaker
Sally Li, Co-Chair of Rainier Beach Links2Lake, present an overview of the project including major milestones that have been met since the last update, public and private funding information, construction timelines for beach access and Be’er Sheva Park improvements
Estimated cost 2M
Gateway entrance complete
Bike repair station
Hand walk boat ramp
Beach and natural planting
Create safe space for salmon and look natural
Picnic shelter
Federal grant pending for phase II
Construction anticipated to begin next spring
The SESC is installing an elevator and would appreciate donations
The SESC delivers 175 meals weekdays and are looking for volunteers to help with delivery
Next meeting is September 8, 2021 – Featured Speaker
Board Members in Attendance
In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Danielle McClure
Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton
15 other RBCC members in attendance.
Standing Items:
- Membership: Nothing to report
- Building: Gutter work on club house is underway
- Finance: Our balance is $34,100.84 ($6,838.40 in checking and $27,262.44 in savings
- Technology: Nothing to report
- Social: See “New Business” below
Old Business: None
New Business:
- Rainier Beach Back 2 School Bash – Saturday, August 28, 12-4pm , Rainier Beach Community Center Plaza (Rainier & Henderson). Calling for volunteers – Registration link (register by July 30). To provide students and families with backpacks, school supplies and information about neighborhood and educational resources, food, clothing and entertainment. RBCC donated $500 as a “Silver” sponsor to this event.
- Wine Tasting event – Saturday, October 9, doors 7pm, tasting 7:30-10pm -Bring a bottle of French red wine $20 or less and wine glass per person, $10 in advance, $15 at door.. Prepay link
- Harvest Social, Friday, November 26, 6-10pm
- Arts & Crafts Market, Saturday, December 4, 10am-2pm
Featured Speaker
Cody Nelson and Katherine Lynch of Seattle Public Utilities provide an update on the Taylor Creek Restoration project. SPU’s Taylor Creek (TC) Restoration project will address and prevent localized flooding by improving drainage infrastructure, restoring the natural drainage system function of TC and it’s watershed; eliminate barriers to fish passage; rebuild and improve natural habitat; and provide equitable opportunities to the community by expanding public access to open space. Notable design improvements include:
- The 36” diameter culvert under Rainier Avenue being replaced by a 17’ bridge
- A path to the Lake WA shoreline with 2 overlooks
- A sediment pond just south of Pulcinella (where the apt. bldg. is)
- An additional cross-walk at Cornell (no lights however)
- “Woody Materials Structures” to trap sediment, prevent further erosion and create habitat on upper TC
The project team has just reached the 90% design phase for lower TC and will be submitting for federal permits this fall. Bidding will follow in 2023 with construction expected to be complete in 2025.
SPU’s website
will be updated in the Fall with the revised plan that will include the changes that Cody and Katherine discussed.
- Brendan Works advised RBCC members of the city of Seattle’s “Street Tree” program. He advocates trees planted along Waters (that would not block views and would like other like-minded neighbor to petition the City for this.
Next meeting is August 11, 2021 – Featured Speaker
Sally Li, Co-Chair of Rainier Beach Links2Lake, will give an overview of the project including major milestones that have been met since the last update, public and private funding information, construction timelines for beach access and Be’er Sheva Park improvements.
Board Members in Attendance
Keegan O’Connor Dorothy Driver Gerd Prewett
Brett Boynton Alan Ross Joan Krueger
Anne Nolan Kathie Weibel
Standing Items
- Call to order
- Introduction of guests or new members
- Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
- Corresponding Secretary report (Anne)
- nothing to report
- Reports of standing and special committees
- Membership
- nothing to report
- Building (Su)
- grant was written to repair gutters
- VFW contributing $500
- Finance (Gerd)
- Technology
- nothing to report
- Social
- nothing to report
- Membership
Old Business
- None to date.
New Business
- Garden Tour is on for June 12
- all are welcome to attend
- family friendly event
- 13 great gardens
- Thanks to all who volunteered for community clean up on June 5. We logged more than enough hours to get matching funds from the City of Seattle to replace the RBCC clubhouses gutters!
- Special thanks to Kathie Alan for all the hard work to ensure project was a success
- Emerson PTA and Friends of Hutchinson Park participated
- there were 37 volunteers
- Next RBCC meeting on July 14 will be outside with an ice cream social!!!
Featured Speaker – Link to speaker presentation
Daniella Nicholas is the Community Education Coordinator for Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands. The farm is situated on about ten acres owned by City Parks between Beer Shiva Park and Pritchard Beach. Daniella spoke about the history, management, goals, diversity of programming, and ways to get involved and enjoy Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands. The farm is a very unique and special city park in your own backyard that’s working hard to restore a healthy ecosystem while growing food and community.
- none
Next meeting is July 14, 2021 – Featured Speaker
Cody Nelson of Seattle Public Utilities will provide an update on the Taylor Creek Restoration project. SPU’s Taylor Creek Restoration project will address and prevent localized flooding by improving drainage infrastructure, restoring the natural drainage system function of Taylor Creek and it’s watershed; eliminate barriers to fish passage; rebuild and improve natural habitat; and provide equitable opportunities to the community by expanding public access to open space. The project team has just reached the 90% Design phase and will be submitting for federal permits this fall. Construction is expected to begin in 2023. Please join us to learn more about the extents of the project area and the benefits to our South Seattle Tamill and Lakeridge neighborhoods.