Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 6/24/2020

Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Anne Nolan

Su Harambe Gerd Prewett Danielle McClure

Brett Boyton Dorothy Driver Joan Krueger

Assessment of  6/10 meeting:

  • meeting was a success, new neighbors participated
  • Mark Solomon was an interesting speaker 

Assessment of on line trivia 6/20 event and ideas for future events:

  • small group attended but it was an enjoyable event
  • can future event include working in teams in break out rooms
  • More widely advertise through social media
  • Danielle volunteered to spear head next event 7/11 7:30-9:00

New website status:

  • Potential launch 7/1
  • all minutes are current
  • Tim sent photos, Alan created back up

Seahawk Tickets:  (Gerd)

  • Rodney GIvens was approached about donating Seahawk tickets as raffle for Harvest Social 
  • Due to corona virus concerns Harvest Social and Football are questionable
  • Decided to pass on tickets

Generator: (Gerd)

  • The generator is an essential factor in community safety in the event of an emergency
  • Insurance money for replacement received
  • $166 in donations toward $500 deductible
  • Will mention at general meeting and ask for donations
  • Gerd will contact Richard to identify a safe location for storage. She will coordinate with Donovan and Ron

Annual report: (Gerd)

  • Gerd filed annual report with State of Washington

July Speaker: (Keegan)

  • John Stafford will present information about 37th District Democrats
  • He is currently running for office to represent that district
  • As a non-partisan organization we need to clarify that his prevention will be non-partisan
  • The language of our next meeting will reflect that he is going to present a non-partisan overview of the legislation session
  • Keegan will email Kathy to confirm that this is clear

Future Speakers:

  • Omar from shoreline street to present update on culvert replacement
  • Does Kathy have other speakers lined up? 

Ellen/Kubota Gardens: (Alan)

  • Kubota gardens would like to donate Kubota Garden book to RBCC
  • we will make it available to borrow when in person meetings resume

Agenda items for 7/8 meeting:

  • Rainier Beach Economic Round Table > Natalya is no longer able to attend meetings, is someone available to attend?
  • Upcoming social event 7/11
  • Generator fund > Gerd will ask Ron to present a 5 minute call to action to explain need for generator
  • Website launch via screen share
  • Ask for guest speaker suggestions
  • Ask for ideas for social events
Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 6/10/2020

Meeting held via ZOOM

Board Members In Attendance

  • Keegan O’Connor
  • Alan Ross
  • Gerd Prewett
  • Anne Nolan
  • Dorothy Driver
  • Joan Krueger
  • Su Harambe
  • Brett Boynton
  • Danielle McClure

Standing Items:

  • Membership: nothing to report
  • Building: generator was stolen, Gerd arranged for insurance payment, $500deductible generator will be replaced but stored inside. Su spoke to Richard aboutreduce cost of internet plan,
  • Finance: Checking: $13,582.93 Savings: $27,255.67 Deposit Acct. $0.81 The checking account balance includes $2,097 reimbursement for stolen generator. PayPal fundraiser $125 toward deductible
  • Social: solstice happy hour trivia night Saturday June 20 7:30-9:00 pm
  • Technology: new website almost complete. Will launch by end of month. Members asked to send photos of previous events to Tom Beck

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Featured Speaker: Mark Solomon, Crime Prevention Coordinator, Seattle Police Department South Precinct, conducted a discussion regarding burglary prevention including current burglary trends in the area, how to secure your homes to reduce the likelihood of a burglary, and what to do if you have been a victim of a burglary. He suggested that each person needs to assess their situation and make decisions that are practical for themselves when planning for home alarm plans. Community members inquired about specific concerns. He suggested enrolling in if you only have a cellphone

Old Business

  • Rainier Beach Community Clean up challenge will end June 9

New Business:

  • Future membership meetings will continue to be virtual until we can meet again in person
  • Announcements:
    • URB Garden Tour is being held entirely online. Neighbors are asked to postgarden photos on instagram or facebook through the month of June. If you need help posting send photos to


Next meeting is July 8, 2020

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 5/13/2020

Meeting held via ZOOM

Board Members in Attendance

  • Keegan O’Connor
  • Alan Ross
  • Gerd Prewett
  • Anne Nolan
  • Dorothy Driver
  • Joan Krueger
  • Su Harambe
  • Brett Boynton
  • Danielle McClure

Standing Items

Membership: no news to report

Building: Su spoke to negotiate a rent reduction. Her request was denied. No other news.

Finance: Checking: $12,229.54, Savings:27,254.87 There is a deposit for 1 rental, it will be returned when event is cancelled.

Social: Happy Hour Trivia Saturday May 16th from 3:30-6:00. Link available in email

Technology: Tom Beck is working on new website. It should be ready to launch soon. Working on conforming to bi-laws

Old Business:

  • Bridge2Beach May event cancelled

New Business:

  • Future Membership Meetings will be virtual until we can meet in person again


  • URB Garden tour is virtual. Everyone is invited to post and share photos and/or videos from their garden at facebook event page from now through the end of June. Add a comment and upload photos of favorite parts of your garden. Photos of flowers, artwork, projects are all welcome. If you don’t have access to face book photos can be mailed to and committee will post photos.
  • Jenny Frankl presented info about Rainier Beach Community Clean Up Challenge May 16-June 9th. Details will be included in RBCC newsletter.

Guest Speaker:

  • Omar Akkari is the Shoreline Street Ends (SSE) Program Coordinator for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation was scheduled to speak about the SSE program and proposed ordinance. Wifi outage interrupted the meeting and he was unable to tell us about his program. We will ask him to reschedule his talk.
Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting 2/12/2020

Board Members, Trustees and Others in Attendance:

  • Anne Nolan
  • Alan Ross
  • Kathie Wiebel
  • Gerd Prewett
  • Brett Boynton
  • Keegan O’Connor
  • + 19 other attendees

Membership Committee – No news to report

Building Committee – No news to report

Tech Committee – Need a new website

Finance Committee – Reported $26,931 and $13,947 in savings and checking, respectively.

Social Committee – Wine Event will be on 3/28 from 7 – 10 and will feature french reds <$20.

Featured Speakers:

  1. Roderick Givens with Rainier Valley Community Development Fund (CDF) discussed his group’s role as a self-sustaining, community controlled financial institution. CDF provided $25M to local businesses dislocated by light rail and helped them get back on their feet. CDF provides/underwrites loans and lines of credit to local small businesses. They also provide technical assistance and financial expertise and identify resources for small businesses. CDF provided funding for the new owners of Jude’s and Roderick seeks the community’s help to identify potential clients. Average loan is $50K.
  2. Stefan Winkler outlined SDOT’s plan to roll out scooter-share in May (1 year pilot). He stressed that they won’t replace bike-share and that some of the 4 bidders also run bike share. Some scooters may have seats. Max speed will be 15 mph and will operate only on streets and bike lanes. SDOT is still working out the details on parking. People without credit cards and smart phones will be able to use. Stefan said that the operation will likely not be profitable and may eventually be folded into Seattle’s transit system (usable with an Orca card).

Topics of Discussion and Announcements

  • Members ratified Committee Chair nominees
  • Members were encouraged to contact the following in support of VIA:
  • B2B will be May 16
Member Meeting Minutes

Membership Meeting Minutes 1/8/2020

Board Members, Trustees and Others in Attendance:

  • Su Harambe
  • Anne Nolan
  • Tom Beck
  • Kathie Wiebel
  • Ruth Cousineau
  • Alan Ros
  • Gerd Prewett
  • Joan Krueger
  • Natalya Roberts
  • Brett Boynton
  • Keegan O’Connor
  • + 20 other attendees

Membership Committee – No news to report

Building Committee – Rental inquiries are up.

Tech Committee – We now have projector with audio up and running.

Finance Committee – Reported $27,728 and $11,493 in savings and checking, respectively.

Social Committee – Second annual Mah Jongg tournament will take place at RBCC on January 18 at 6 pm. Bring a dish.

Featured Speaker – Chris Svolopoulos, Associate Chief Engineer for Seattle DOT reviewed the departments proposed plans for traffic/safety enhancements at the intersection of 51st, Renton Avenue and Roxbury. Following an analysis of collision patterns, the plan will include traffic lights at 51st/Renton Ave. intersection as well as where 51st intersects Roxbury. Aslo,the section of Roxbury between Renton and 51st will be one-way EB. The plan also includes lots of curb bulbs, curb ramps, islands and bicycle ramps to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. RBCC members suggested left-turn protected lanes. The plan will be implemented in 2021 but is in its early “10%” stage. If there are questions, call 206-733- 9361 or email

Topics of Discussion and Announcements

  • “Fujitaro Kubota and His Garden” film showing at RBCC on 1/29/20 is sold out. Future showings will be announced.
  • The membership voted on the 2020 Board, which will be:
    • President. – Kegan O’Connor
    • Vice Pres. – Alan Ross
    • Treasurer. – Gerd Prewett
    • Corresponding Secretary – Anne Nolan
    • Recording Secretary – Joan Krueger
    • Trustees:
      • Dorothy Driver
      • Su Harambe
      • Danielle McClure
Board Meeting Minutes

2020 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

2019 Board Meeting Minutes

Member Meeting Minutes

2019 Membership Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Member Meeting Minutes

2018 Membership Meeting Minutes