Board Meeting Minutes Uncategorized

RBCC Board Meeting 11/24/2021


Board Members Present

Keegan O”Connor Alan Ross Anne Nolan

Gerd Prewett Kathie Weibel Brett Boyton

Dorothy Driver Danielle McClure

Joan Krueger


  1. Assessment of virtual membership meeting on November 13.
  • Kathie didn’t mail zoom info to speaker.  She rescheduled
  1. Update from Alan on 2022 Board Nominating Committee.
  • Danielle and JoAnn need more time to reach out to neighbors to join
  • Nominating Committee will propose slate for December meeting
  1. Update from Alan on Arts and Crafts event?
  • Thank you to Alan for all the work
  • Art show is live on line
  • Mail chimp will be sent
  • Media set up with 
  • Alan will ask for artists to consider donating to RBCC if they are able.
  1. Status of RBCC membership survey.  Next steps?
  • Keegan will complete survey by next board meeting and prepare to have it sent out in January
  1. Reminder that “work instructions” for Treasurer, Secretaries and other Board roles need to be finalized and loaded to Google Drive by end of January.
  • Alan and Keegan are available to help if anyone needs
  1. Review and approval by the Board of the proposed 2022 budget.  The fiscal year is January 1 through December 31st so it makes sense to have membership approval of the 2022 budget at the December meeting. 
  • Gerd reviewed proposed budget plan
  • Optimistically planning to be able rent again in April
  • Budget approved pending presentation to membership
  1. Speakers for February and beyond
  • Danielle will reach out to Rainier Beach Food Bank
  • Reviewed policy of person to thank speaker
  • Brett reached out to principal, Erin Rasmussen of Emerson school . 
  • Teresa Mosqueda assistant to discuss rezoning.  Anne will follow up
  • Kathie will try to reach out about new airport plans
  1. Agenda items for December member meeting
  • budget
  • arts and crafts review
  • board slate presentation

Future speakers:

  1. Confirmed December – Heather Trim of Zero Waste Washington will update us on zero waste initiatives that have been passed in 2021 and on future policy issues in the areas of reducing plastic waste and plastic pollution, tackling food waste and addressing climate change.  Zero Waste Washington is Agenda