Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 12/2/2021


Board members In Attendance

Keegan O’Connor  Anne Nolan        Kathie Weibel

Alan Ross Brett Boynton       Gerd Prewett

Joan Krueger          Danielle McClure 


Standing Items

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
    • October 2021 minutes approved
    • November 2021 minutes approved
  • Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing to report
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) nothing to report
    • Building 
    • Finance –  (Gerd) 2021 Year-End Budget Update 
      • balances as of 12/08/2021
      • savings                       $ 27,264.74
      • checking                     $  6,795.77
      • TOTAL                        $ 34,060.51

projected for 2022

  • income                       $11,356
  • expenses                      $14,761
  • projected loss       $  3,405

budget is approved for 2021

  • Technology (Alan) nothing to report
  • SOcial (Danielle) nothing to report

Old Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)

New Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute) 

  • 2022 Board Candidate Update – Open positions include: President, VP, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and Trustees. The nomination/election process for 2022 RBCC Board is as follows:
    • December 8 – Slate of candidates identified (Alan) slate presented

President: Kathie Weibel

Vice President: Gerd Prewett

Treasurer:  Alan Ross

Recording Secretary: Anne Nolan

Corresponding Secretary: Danielle Mcclure

2 year Trustee: Erin Rizzo

2 year Trustee: Jessica Reisman

1 year Trustee:  OPEN (filling Danielle’s 2nd year)

2 year Trustee: (2nd year) Brett Boynton

  • January 5- Vote
  • February 9 – 2022 RBCC Board terms begin 
  • Seattle Department of Transportation is seeking immediate neighborhood feedback by its 12/15 City Council presentation on its pilot scooter share program.  The city saw over 200,000 unique riders take over 1.4 million trips. While the Dept. advocates improvements going forward such as keeping scooters from blocking sidewalks, there’s been strong use in income-qualified plans and a successful partnership with Outdoors for All which offered adaptive cycling experiences. 

Featured Speaker

Heather Trim of Zero Waste Washington updated us on zero waste initiatives that have been passed in 2021 and on future policy issues in the areas of reducing plastic waste and plastic pollution, tackling food waste and addressing climate change.  Zero Waste Washington is a statewide nonprofit organization that works to make trash obsolete.  They work in partnership with numerous community groups, ngos and others to help get laws passed at the city, county and state level.

Announcements (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)

  • Ed Gow updated us that Seattle Parks Department plans to put a road through Dead Horse Canyon to carry supplies to install and move materials.  People can contact Cody Nelson at Seattle Parks Department and Public Utilities to identify other options rather than constructing a large road.  The community should consider writing a letter to the parks department and public utilities asking that road not be installed. Ed Gow will provide information to the board. The details will be reviewed at the next board meeting and they will report back at the next general meeting.  


Next meeting is January 12 – Featured Speaker

Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, will update members on recent changes in the library system including tutoring, the new metal boxes, copying policies and the cancelation of the book sale (and whether it has impacted revenue).