Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 11/10/2021

Board Members in Attendance 

In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Danielle McClure

Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton Kathie Wiebel

Alan Ross

7 other RBCC members in attendance.

Standing Items: 

  • Membership: Nothing to report  
  • Building: Su mentioned that we’re getting more rental inquiries for larger 

parties wanting to serve alcohol.  She is concerned about the covid risks.  This will be discussed again at the Board meeting.

  • Finance:  Our balance is $31,598 ($4,334 in checking and $27,264 in 

savings).  Ellen and Ron Angeles made a $100 donation to RBCC. Thanks!! 

  • Technology:  Meeting link in RBCC website seems to have expired.
  • Social: See “New Business” below

Old Business: 

  • Boo-Bash – Was a great success despite having only 20 days to pull off.  Well attended with great music, dancing, jump-roping and pony rides.  Props to Champs and RBAC whose efforts helped raise $35K from the event.

New Business:

  • Alan reported that the page for the virtual Arts and Craft Event will be live from November 24 thru December 18.  It will include links to pop-ups and other artists for F2F sales on Saturday, December 4, 
  • 2022 Board – Members should email RBCC if they are interested in being on the Board.  The process is as follows:
    • November 10 – Selection of Nominating Committee:
      • Joanne Deschant (chair)
      • Alan Ross
      • Danielle McClure 
    • December 8 – Slate of candidates identified
    • January 5- Vote
    • February 9 – 2022 RBCC Board terms begin

Featured Speaker

Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, did not speak because we forgot to send her the meting link.  We will reschedule her soon.  In the meantime, members were encouraged to check out the Library’s survey soliciting input on ideas for improving its services.


  • Alan alerted the membership that the RB Institute has been dissolved.
  • Su advised that Youth Care (next to the hair supply store on Rainier) was seeking donations in the form of gift cards, which can be conveniently sourced at the Safeway.  Cards from local businesses are also encouraged.

Next meeting is December 8, 2021 – Tentative Speaker

Heather Trim, Executive Director of Zero Waste Washington will tell us the latest on what zero waste initiatives that have been passed this past year and updates on future policy issues in the areas of reducing plastic waste and plastic pollution, tackling food waste and addressing climate change.  Zero Waste Washington is a statewide nonprofit organization that works to make trash obsolete.  They work in partnership with numerous community groups, NGOs and others to help get laws passed at the city, county and state level.