Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 10/13/2021

Board Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Gerd Prewett

Brett Boynton Anne Nolan Joan Krueger

Kathie Weibel Dorothy Driver

Standing Items

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting  Alan moved, Anne seconded Approve i(Membership Meeting Minutes)
  • Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) nothing
    • Building 
      • (Gerd) noticed wheelchair accessible ramp to lower level of building
      • (Keegan) building may become Covid vaccination site
      • South shore would like to host drive thru covid vaccination center
    • Finance   (Gerd)

savings $ 27, 263.80

checking $    5,997.12

TOTAL $  a33,260.92


  • Technology (Alan) working with local artists and organizing art show which will be virtual this year
  • Social (Danielle) see below

Old Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)

  • None to date.

New Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute) 

  • Harvest Social is cancelled due to the Delta variant. We are looking forward to the future when it will be safe to meet in a group
  • RBCC sent a letter of support for the reopening of Volunteer Park’s Amphitheater to help them secure funding for free multicultural music, theater, and dance performances in the summer of 2022.
  • Virtual Arts and Crafts Event will be held in December. Alan contacted all artists who were involved in  last years sale and a few  additional artists.  On line event will launch the day before Thanksgiving. While we are not excluding new artists, Alan is only including artists who have been juried.  Artists can contact Alan to update their info to include in person visits to their studio.

Announcements (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute) 

  • The Rainier Beach Presbyterian Church is doing a drive to support Afghanistan refugees.  There is a drop off at the church the last week of the month. 
  • BOO BASH Halloween Trunk or Treating at Rainier Beach Community Center 2-5 pm

Featured SpeakerLink to recording of speaker presentation

UW Asst. Professor and Co-Chair of Seattle’s Planning Commission, Rick Moher will speak on the new designation of Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods from “single family” to “neighborhood residential”.  He will answer questions about how it will impact Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods.

  • this is a name change, not a zoning change
  • all neighborhoods have been included in clarification of designation
  • we need to double housing growth to keep up with demand 
  • Rainier Beach is designated at Residential Urban Village 
  • comprehensive plan can be tracked on line 


Alan moved to adjourn

Anne seconded


Next meeting is November 10, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, will update members on recent changes in the library system including tutoring, the new metal boxes, copying policies and the cancelation of the book sale (and whether it has impacted revenue).