Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 9/8/2021

Board members present

Alan Ross       Anne Nolan      Gerd Prewett

Danielle McClure Brett Boynton Joan Krueger


Standing Items

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
  • Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing to report
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) nothing to report
    • Building (Gerd) 
      • rentals on hold
      • one renter 2 days per week
    • Finance
      • $ 33,415.35     total
      • $27, 263, 38    savings account
      • $  6,151.97      checking account
      • $300 monthly rent
    • Technology  (Alan)
      • webpage was updated
      • zoom account has been extended to monthly
    • Social (Danielle)
      • all in person events have been 
      • Old Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute)
      • arts and crafts still not certain
  • None to date.

New Business (Please Keep Comments to 1 Minute) 

  • All upcoming F2F social events such as the Wine Tasting and Harvest Social are on hold due to the Delta variant.
  • Thanks to all who volunteered at the B2SBackpack event on August 28.  Also, RBCC gave $500 to this worthy cause.
    • fliers were distributed to welcome people to meetings
    • members volunteer to set up
  • We want to know what you think!  To this end, we will soon be surveying RBCC members about what they would like to see in terms of when we meet, how we meet, types of speakers, social events and volunteer events. 
    • Keegan will be sending out survey to determine what types events neighbors would like to see occur
    • survey will be emailed in the next month or 2
    • Alan is exploring ways to distribute questionnaires


  • RBCC neighbor and head of a new group, The Friends of Be’er Sheva Park, Brandon Works will give a brief presentation about a project that he’s been working on to improve the landscaping in some of the public right-of-ways in our neighborhood.  The city will mow the median but not plant anything. Brandon is proposing that we plant some of these options:
  • wild flower meadow
  • bench at outlook points
  • entrance perennial and annuals

He is willing to do installation but he needs commitment of community members to do some work to maintain the plantings.  His email is for anyone interested in contacting him.  Brandon wrote a grant but needs community support in order to move forward.  

  • Carol O’Brian has copy of 100 year Rainier Beach Women’s Club 1908-2008  She would like to offer it as a library book for neighbor to borrow. We would like to do this with a Kubota garden book as well.  Carol will bring it to Alan and we will organize 

No Featured Speaker This Month


Next meeting is October 13, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Rick Moher, the Co-Chair of Seattle’s Planning Commission will present the Commission’s recommendation to create a zoning change from “Single Family” to “Neighborhood Residential”.  He will answer questions about how it will impact Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods.