Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 6/9/2021

Board Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor Dorothy Driver Gerd Prewett

Brett Boynton Alan Ross Joan Krueger

Anne Nolan Kathie Weibel

Standing Items

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
  • Corresponding Secretary report (Anne)
    • nothing to report
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership 
      • nothing to report
    • Building (Su)
      • grant was written to repair gutters
      • VFW contributing $500
    • Finance (Gerd)
    • Technology 
      • nothing to report
    • Social
      • nothing to report

Old Business

  • None to date.

New Business

  • Garden Tour is on for June 12
    • all are welcome to attend
    • family friendly event 
    • 13 great gardens
  • Thanks to all who volunteered for community clean up on June 5.  We logged more than enough hours to get matching funds from the City of Seattle to replace the RBCC clubhouses gutters! 
    • Special thanks to Kathie Alan for all the hard work to ensure project was a success
    • Emerson PTA and Friends of Hutchinson Park participated
    • there were 37 volunteers
  • Next RBCC meeting on July 14 will be outside with an ice cream social!!!

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Daniella Nicholas is the Community Education Coordinator for Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands. The farm is situated on about ten acres owned by City Parks between Beer Shiva Park and Pritchard Beach. Daniella spoke about the history, management, goals, diversity of programming, and ways to get involved and enjoy Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands. The farm is a very unique and special city park in your own backyard that’s working hard to restore a healthy ecosystem while growing food and community.  


  • none


Next meeting is July 14, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Cody Nelson of Seattle Public Utilities will provide an update on the Taylor Creek Restoration project. SPU’s Taylor Creek Restoration project will address and prevent localized flooding by improving drainage infrastructure, restoring the natural drainage system function of Taylor Creek and it’s watershed; eliminate barriers to fish passage; rebuild and improve natural habitat; and provide equitable opportunities to the community by expanding public access to open space. The project team has just reached the 90% Design phase and will be submitting for federal permits this fall. Construction is expected to begin in 2023. Please join us to learn more about the extents of the project area and the benefits to our South Seattle Tamill and Lakeridge neighborhoods.