Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 5/12/2021

Board Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor

Gerd Prewett

Brett Boynton

Alan Ross

Danielle McClure

Joan Krueger

Standing Items

minutes approved

  • Corresponding Secretary report 

nothing to report

  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) 
      • nothing to report
    • Building nothing to report
      • nothing to report
    • Finance (Gerd)

Savings Acct $27,261.50

Checking Acct $  6,562.09

TOTAL $33,823.59

  • Technology (Alan)
    • annual renewal fee for website paid
  • Social (Danielle(
    • nothing to report

Old Business 

  • None to date

New Business

  • Garden Tour is scheduled for June12

13 gardens included

everyone is welcome

everyone was asked to share on social media

thanks to Joe for creating the poster

  • RBCC has requested a grant from City to replace RBCC clubhouse gutters.  Grant $ would share $2700 cost Ito get new gutters for RBCC Club house.  We would provide volunteer hours around the neighborhood to make up our share of the expense.  We we would need volunteers to work 2-3 hours on neighborhood weeding and such at a date to be determines.  This is like previous years’ B2B (Bridge to Beach) volunteer clean up events.

thank you to Kathie for all the hard work to secure the grant

max 10 people allowed  at a time to volunteer due to covid restrictions

we need 12-17  people to commit to 2-3 hours each for match

for June 5th or 6th

numbers include $500 for match

  • Open discussion on when we would be ready to return to F2F meetings at the clubhouse.  Should we start with an outdoor meeting?
    • meeting in person outside would be great
    • we’re ready to meet in person as long as we follow current guide lines
    • too early to decide for next month

Featured SpeakersLink to speaker presentation

Larry and Cathie Wilmore of Fathers and Sons Together (FAST).  FAST is a youth development organization that focuses on family development, providing guidance, support, and nurture to families, specifically those of color with a primary focus to empower fathers to develop strong relationships their sons.  Larry and Cathie shared an overview of FAST, upcoming programs, impact from COVID-19, opportunities to volunteer. If people want to participate in any activities they can reach out through the FAST website;


Some trees are being planted in the median on Waters Street. City Light was looking into planting trees in the median. Contact for more information about trees and landscaping

There was discussion about the recent murder in our community. There is no further information offered.