Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 4/14/2021

Board Members in Attendance 

In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Kathie Wiebel  

Dorothy Driver Alan Ross Brett Boynton  Gerd Prewett Danielle McClure

Three other RBCC members in attendance.

RBCC meeting minutes from 3/10/21 meeting could not be approved as we did not have the required 15 in attendance.

Standing Items: 

  • Membership:  nothing to report  
  • Building: nothing to report  
  • Finance:  Our balance is $33,737.27 ($6,476.19 in checking and $27,261.08 in savings
  • Social: nothing to report  
  • Technology; nothing to report

Old Business:  None

New Business:

  • 2021 Garden Tour will take place live, not virtual, on 6/12/21 from 11 am to 2 pm.  Danielle reported that she and Joan are well on their way to getting the minimum 6 gardens to participate.  April 30 is deadline for recruits.  It will be a Covid-conscious and family-friendly event.
  • Kathie will submit grant request for $4000 for new gutters ($2700 + contingencies for dry rot, etc.) to city week of April 19.  She expects to hear back in early June, just in time to have a “B2B” type volunteer event to clean up neighborhood.  Per feedback in meeting, she will emphasize that RBCC has no-fee membership and allows many non-profits to use facility for free.

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Liz Covey is a private-practice therapist, mental health consultant, and parent coach located in South Seattle. Liz is also a freelance writer, and has a monthly column in the South Seattle Emerald called “Ask A Therapist”. She is a former Rainier Beach resident, and was a recipient of the goodwill of RBCC through her work with the Rainier Beach Girl Scouts troop.

Liz discussed “How to Stay Sane during Crazy Times.”  She focused to coping tactics and habits to address one’s body, mind, emotional and spiritual needs.  She told members that it is important to recognize worrisome emotions, accept that this is how you feel, ask yourself why you might feel that way and what you need now to feel better.

Per a request from Keegan, Liz will send to RBCC links for “Alternatives to Therapy” for low-cost mental health options.


  • Vicki Gezon told members about the Emerald City Food Not Bombs food give-away event that takes place at 3100 Alaska every Tuesday starting 11:30 and Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday starting at noon.  There is produce and other groceries as well as prepared food that is excellent quality

Next meeting is May 12, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Larry and Cathie Wilmore pf F.A.S.T. (Fathers and Sons Together).  Details to follow.