Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 3/10/2021

Board Members in Attendance 

In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Kathie Wiebel  

Dorothy Driver Alan Ross Brett Boynton  Gerd Prewett Danielle McClure

Standing Items: 

  • Membership:  nothing to report  
  • Building: VFW agreed to reduce rent from $300/mo. to $100/mo. from April to August (pre-Covid, it was $600/month).  
  • Finance: We have a balance of $34,050.66. 
  • Social: Spring Fling HH will be Sat. March 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm  
  • Technology; Membership meeting Zoom link is now in RBCC website.

Old Business:  None

New Business:

  • 2021 Budget Overview – Gerd reported that expected revenue would only be about $700 (the amount we took in last year from the Arts and Crafts Fair).  Expenses are expected to total $5,500, so she anticipates a net reduction in income of about $4,300.
  • Membership ideas for how we should tap Seattle’s Neighborhood Matching Funds for 2021.  Question to be answered is how will we accrue volunteer hours without Bridge to Beach event.  VFW has expressed interest in helping with our $ match.  Ideas include:
    • New gutters (est. $2,700)
    • ADA-standard access ramps study assessment.

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Gary Olson of Seattle Watershed Alliance (SWA).  SWA is working to bring folks from the various watersheds together to learn about, protect and improve the many watersheds in Seattle.  Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has improvement plans for the Taylor Creek watershed in the near future.  This is a good time for us to learn about and have a voice in this effort and Gary reviewed the SPU project on Taylor Creek and Dead Horse Canyon.  RBCC will reach out to to have SPU include our input in their plans and get an update from them.  For more info in the meantime, check out.

Ellen Phillip-Angeles from Kubota Garden Foundation provided a brief update on the Mapes Creek project.  The Foundation has gotten a 3 year grant to study the flows, floods and deposits that the park’s ponds and parking lot suffer following strong rains.  The study and proposed solutions should be completed by early 2022.


  • Donovan announced that a food drive that VFW and United Presbyterian Church are conducting.  They are taking food collections T and F from 10 am to 1 pm.
  • Alan reported that RBCC’s letter in support of the Volunteer Park ampitheatre rebuild must have helped.  The project is to start soon.

Next meeting is April 14, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Liz Covey is a private practice therapist, mental health consultant, and parent coach located in South Seattle. Liz is also a freelance writer, and has a monthly column in the South Seattle Emerald called “Ask A Therapist”. She is a former Rainier Beach resident, and was a recipient of the goodwill of RBCC through her work with the Rainier Beach Girl Scouts troop.