Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 11/11/2020

Board Members in Attendance:

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure Gerd Prewett

Anne Nolan Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton Joan Krueger

Featured Speakers

Olivia Reed and Gloria HatcherYouth & Community Organizer, Rainier Valley Food Bank to discuss recent programs and volunteer opportunities. The RVFB opened  in 1991 as a volunteer-led neighborhood pantry serving 50 families a week. Founded as Northwest Community Services, the organization experienced a rapid rise in demand as the nation’s economy began to decline in 2008. In response to this huge increase in the number of families in need of food in our neighborhood, the board changed the organization’s name to Rainier Valley Food Bank, and hired its first professional executive director in 2009.  Links to participate in programs and services available on website.  Contact Gloria at for more information.

Standing Items

  • Call to Order
  • Approve Minutes from last months membership meeting (9/9/202)
  • Corresponding Secretary Report (Anne) nothing to report
  • Reports for standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) nothing to report
    • Building Committee nothing to report
      • Finance (Gerd)
        • savings account  $27,257.97
        • checking account  $8,513.74
        • interest deposit account $0.81
        • Total $35,772.52
  • Technology (Alan) Arts and Crafts Market
  • Social (Danielle)
    • join us for Harvest Social Saturday, November 28th from 7:00-8:00
    • facebook invitation
    • link in email announcing meeting

Old Business

  • Membership feedback on:
    • Last month’s presentation of new development  in Kubota Gardens
      • informative helpful information about beautiful local garden
  • Last month’s WineFest on October 17
    • well attended, fun, people felt very comfortable and stayed longer than expected.  good turn out

New Business

  • Nomination of 2021 RBCC Board and Trustees.  Looking for members interested in being candidates
    • Club Vote January meeting
    • Nomination committee voted October meeting
      • Contact members (JoAnn Denchant, Alan Ross, Su Harambe)  of committee if you are interested in running for any ot these positions


  • Arts and Crafts Market (Dorothy)
    • event is scheduled for 12/5 from 11-3
    • 21 vendors
    • musicians wanted
    • thank you to Alan for website
  • Planting Date (Jane)
    • Volunteer opportunity to participate in planting pilot project of native plants 11/14/2020