Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 10/7/2020

Board Members in Attendance:

Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Danielle McClure

Brett Boynton Joan Krueger

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Featured Speaker:  In 2019, Kubota Garden Foundation funded the Kubota Garden Master Plan Update, hiring consultants to lead a broad community and city outreach process to help assess the current garden and provide guidance for its future design and development. KGF Board President, Joy Okazaki and the consultant team joined us to present their findings and highlight some of the recommendation to guide improvement for the next 20-30 years.

Standing Items:

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting Corresponding Secretary report:  (Anne) absent
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership: Nothing
    • Building: no one present to provide report
    • Finance (Gerd) 
  • Account Balances:
  • Savings: $27,257.55
  • Checking: $9,783.03
  • Deposit: .81 
  • We have no income
  • Social – (Danielle) October 17 from 7-8pm will be our first virtual  (ZOOM) WineFest. Have your favorite wine or other beverage on hand and be prepared to describe it (Anne will provide fun adjectives/descriptors to help you find just the right word(s)!  
  • Technology (Keegan) no updates

Old Business:

  • Any membership feedback on last month’s presentation by Omar Akkari on Seattle Street Ends (SSE). 
    • Interesting to learn areas that might be available for direct water access
    • (Vicky) Cooper Street end park
  • The Arts and Crafts Fair will be a Facebook event running from late November through mid-December.  Details will soon follow on deadlines and how it will run. (Keegan)
    • Arts and Crafts fair will be virtual event.
    • Facebook event
    • Sign up extended to 10/16
    • link in invitation

New Business :

  • We were able to reach a quorum which allowed us to take a vote for members of the nominating committee. All votes submitted via the Survey Monkey poll were cast for the nominated members: JoAnn as lead, with Alan and Su as additional members of the committee. No write-ins were received. Two members were unable to access the poll during the meeting, but were comfortable voicing their vote publicly, which brought us up to 15 votes (plus the 13 received via the poll). 
  • Kathy Weibel announced that the library and Rainier Beach High School need tutors to help students via zoom