Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 8/12/2020

Board Members in Attendance

In Attendance: Keegan O’Connor  Anne Nolan Su Harambe 

Alan Ross Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton 

Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger Danielle McClure 

Standing Items:

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members (none in attendance)
  • Approve minutes from last meeting
  • Corresponding Secretary (Anne): nothing to report
  • Reports from committees
    • Membership: no updates
    • Building:  (Su)VFW reduced our rent by 50% because we are unable to rent do to COVID
    • Finance:  (Gerd) balances:
      • Savings $27,256.61, Checking $10,015.48, Deposit Acct $0.81,
      • new generator purchased $330 raised from donations to cover deductible
      • Ron Angeles and VFW offered to donate additional monies to cover $550 deductible
      • New generator has been ordered and will be stored inside the building
    • Social:  (Danielle) virtual ice cream social 8/22/2020 7-8 pm, everyone welcome and encouraged to attend
    • Technology: (Alan) New website is easy to navigate and looks great.  Alan updated with COVID info, email any feedback to Thank you to Tom and Alan 

Old Business:

  • Update on generator fund (see above)
  • Feedback on last month’s presentation by John Stafford on the highlights of last legislative session
    • informative 
    • suggestion was made to have an overview of the legislative session annually
  • Winners of the 2020 Rainier Beach Community Clean Up Challenge
    • 1st place: Tyrone and Yvette Kenny
    • 2nd place: Ron Angelis
    • 3rd place: Dave Merrill

New Business:

  • Harvest Social will be postponed until we cancel together safely (maybe spring celebration potluck)
  • Arts and Crafts Fair will be a Facebook event running November -December. Dorothy reported that more vendors will be included as there will be no space limits.  The fair will include a studio tour.   Alan and Tom volunteered to help with technical component. 
  • Rainier Beach Ready Emergency Communication Hub (Ron) will have a virtual presentation 9/1/2020 at 7 p.m. to inform neighbors how to communicate after a major disaster.  Register at  SIgns with information have been posted in the community.

Featured Speaker: Omar Akkari is the Shoreline Street Ends (SSE) Program Coordinator  for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation.  The SSE improves public access, protects unique views, enhances habitat, supports maritime industry and fosters stewardship to create long-lasting community assets.  Omar shared photos of current projects that restore public access to shoreline.  The SSE is helping home owners to bring public spaces into compliance.


Next meeting 9/9/2020