Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 7/8/2020

Board Members in Attendance

In Attendance: Keegan O’Connor  Anne Nolan Su Harambe 

Alan Ross Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton 

Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger Danielle McClure

Standing Items:

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s meeting with 2 corrections
  • Corresponding Secretary Report:  (Anne) Nothing to report
  • Standing Committee Reports
    • Membership: No updates
    • Building: (Gerd) The stolen generator will be replace and stored in the storage room which needs to be cleaned out.  The generator is important because it is part of our local community emergency plan.  Donations are welcome to help defray the cost of the $500 deductible. 
    • Finance: (Gerd)  Savings account: $27,256.19, Checking account: $12,867.85, Deposit account: $0.81
    • Social: Happy hour trivia night Saturday July 11 7:30-9:00 pm 
    • Technology:  (Alan) Our new website launched.

Old Business:

  • Review of new website (Alan) screen shared and showed the wonderful new website.
  • The need for a new generator was reviewed (Kathy Weibel).  It is source community of power in case of major emergency such as an earth quake.
  • Member feedback on last month’s speaker, Mark Solomon.  People felt his presentation was interesting and relevant.  Of especial interest were the visual details and clarification of legal terminology.
  • Membership was asked to share Ideas for future speakers
    • Kubota gardens long range plans
    • Sewage, water, electric 
  • URB Virtual Garden Tour feed back from membership
    • May to end of June
    • Members are encouraged to

Featured Speaker:   Link to speaker presentation

John Stafford of 37th District Democrats presented a non-partisan summary of 2020 Washington State Legislative Session.  Although some important legislation plans were passed, Mr. Stafford stated that not many very high impact acts were passed.  We can do a great deal this session however financial deficit due to Covid created urgent problems not originally anticipated.  We are facing 5 crisis; public health, economic recession, budget crisis, racial justice, and climate change. He suggested that we should look at balance budget without austerity, new progressive taxation, aggressively address climate change, address issues of racial injustice.


  • Town of Renton has many resources including free masks
  • Rainier Health and Fitness is offering free and inexpensive resources on line.


Next meeting is August 12, 2020