Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 6/10/2020

Meeting held via ZOOM

Board Members In Attendance

  • Keegan O’Connor
  • Alan Ross
  • Gerd Prewett
  • Anne Nolan
  • Dorothy Driver
  • Joan Krueger
  • Su Harambe
  • Brett Boynton
  • Danielle McClure

Standing Items:

  • Membership: nothing to report
  • Building: generator was stolen, Gerd arranged for insurance payment, $500deductible generator will be replaced but stored inside. Su spoke to Richard aboutreduce cost of internet plan,
  • Finance: Checking: $13,582.93 Savings: $27,255.67 Deposit Acct. $0.81 The checking account balance includes $2,097 reimbursement for stolen generator. PayPal fundraiser $125 toward deductible
  • Social: solstice happy hour trivia night Saturday June 20 7:30-9:00 pm
  • Technology: new website almost complete. Will launch by end of month. Members asked to send photos of previous events to Tom Beck

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Featured Speaker: Mark Solomon, Crime Prevention Coordinator, Seattle Police Department South Precinct, conducted a discussion regarding burglary prevention including current burglary trends in the area, how to secure your homes to reduce the likelihood of a burglary, and what to do if you have been a victim of a burglary. He suggested that each person needs to assess their situation and make decisions that are practical for themselves when planning for home alarm plans. Community members inquired about specific concerns. He suggested enrolling in if you only have a cellphone

Old Business

  • Rainier Beach Community Clean up challenge will end June 9

New Business:

  • Future membership meetings will continue to be virtual until we can meet again in person
  • Announcements:
    • URB Garden Tour is being held entirely online. Neighbors are asked to postgarden photos on instagram or facebook through the month of June. If you need help posting send photos to


Next meeting is July 8, 2020