Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 5/13/2020

Meeting held via ZOOM

Board Members in Attendance

  • Keegan O’Connor
  • Alan Ross
  • Gerd Prewett
  • Anne Nolan
  • Dorothy Driver
  • Joan Krueger
  • Su Harambe
  • Brett Boynton
  • Danielle McClure

Standing Items

Membership: no news to report

Building: Su spoke to negotiate a rent reduction. Her request was denied. No other news.

Finance: Checking: $12,229.54, Savings:27,254.87 There is a deposit for 1 rental, it will be returned when event is cancelled.

Social: Happy Hour Trivia Saturday May 16th from 3:30-6:00. Link available in email

Technology: Tom Beck is working on new website. It should be ready to launch soon. Working on conforming to bi-laws

Old Business:

  • Bridge2Beach May event cancelled

New Business:

  • Future Membership Meetings will be virtual until we can meet in person again


  • URB Garden tour is virtual. Everyone is invited to post and share photos and/or videos from their garden at facebook event page from now through the end of June. Add a comment and upload photos of favorite parts of your garden. Photos of flowers, artwork, projects are all welcome. If you don’t have access to face book photos can be mailed to and committee will post photos.
  • Jenny Frankl presented info about Rainier Beach Community Clean Up Challenge May 16-June 9th. Details will be included in RBCC newsletter.

Guest Speaker:

  • Omar Akkari is the Shoreline Street Ends (SSE) Program Coordinator for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation was scheduled to speak about the SSE program and proposed ordinance. Wifi outage interrupted the meeting and he was unable to tell us about his program. We will ask him to reschedule his talk.