Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting 2/12/2020

Board Members, Trustees and Others in Attendance:

  • Anne Nolan
  • Alan Ross
  • Kathie Wiebel
  • Gerd Prewett
  • Brett Boynton
  • Keegan O’Connor
  • + 19 other attendees

Membership Committee – No news to report

Building Committee – No news to report

Tech Committee – Need a new website

Finance Committee – Reported $26,931 and $13,947 in savings and checking, respectively.

Social Committee – Wine Event will be on 3/28 from 7 – 10 and will feature french reds <$20.

Featured Speakers:

  1. Roderick Givens with Rainier Valley Community Development Fund (CDF) discussed his group’s role as a self-sustaining, community controlled financial institution. CDF provided $25M to local businesses dislocated by light rail and helped them get back on their feet. CDF provides/underwrites loans and lines of credit to local small businesses. They also provide technical assistance and financial expertise and identify resources for small businesses. CDF provided funding for the new owners of Jude’s and Roderick seeks the community’s help to identify potential clients. Average loan is $50K.
  2. Stefan Winkler outlined SDOT’s plan to roll out scooter-share in May (1 year pilot). He stressed that they won’t replace bike-share and that some of the 4 bidders also run bike share. Some scooters may have seats. Max speed will be 15 mph and will operate only on streets and bike lanes. SDOT is still working out the details on parking. People without credit cards and smart phones will be able to use. Stefan said that the operation will likely not be profitable and may eventually be folded into Seattle’s transit system (usable with an Orca card).

Topics of Discussion and Announcements

  • Members ratified Committee Chair nominees
  • Members were encouraged to contact the following in support of VIA:
  • B2B will be May 16