Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 12/22/2021

Board Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Gerd Prewett

Anne Nolan Danielle McClure Joan Krueger

Kathie Weibel Dorothy Driver


  1. Assessment of virtual membership meeting on December 8 and speaker Heather Trim of Zero Waste Washington.
  • presentation was not recorded as per speakers request
  1. Nominees for 2022 Board 
  1. President – Kathie 
  2. VP – Gerd
  3. Treasurer – Alan.
  4. Corresponding Sec – Danielle.
  5. Recording Sec – Anne
  6. Trustees – Erin, Jessica and Joan


  1. Thank you to the committee for organizing slate
  2. Voting must be done in private. Need quorum (15) people to vote 
  1. Huzzah to Alan for his work in the Arts and Crafts event!

We received $395 in donations from artists as per request

  1. Letter from RBCC (with text provided by Friends of Deadhorse Canyon) to oppose building a service road through that park.  PDF of said letter is attached.
  • Anne will edit letter and submit to board for review
  1. Reminder that “work instructions” for Treasurer, Secretaries and other Board roles need to be finalized and loaded to Google Drive by end of January.
  • reviewed responsibility of each position to be included in google drive folder
  • Gerd will show Alan how to access grant info for future use and include in google drive
  • Alan will check with Ruth or Luz to confirm if list for harvest social exists.
  • Keegan will add art work for all posters he’s made and will add them to drive folder
  1. Speakers for February and beyond.
  • Alan will reach out to Afua Kouyati  (RV Creative District) February
  • Danielle will follow up with RV food bank tomorrow
  • Danielle Jackson of Champs (Anne) Later in spring  
  • Adam Smith- (Kathie) Airport noise for March
  • Jennie Frankel (Dorothy)
  • Rainier Beach Merchants Association (Dorothy) 
  • (Danielle) will find email for person from someone from local tiny house community
  1. Agenda items for January member meeting:
  • Vote for 2022 Board
  • update on budget (Gerd)
  • dead horse canyon letter of support
  • skate park announcement
  • present survey (Keegan) and include link in meeting announcement

Future speakers:

  1. Confirmed January – Wei Cai, Regional Manager of the Seattle Public Library, will update members on recent changes in the library system including tutoring, the new metal boxes, copying policies and the cancelation of the book sale (and whether it has impacted revenue).
  1. Future ideas:
  1. Erin – LA for Teresa Mosqueda to talk on zoning policies and impact on RB (Anne).  This should be for 2Q22.