Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Special Board Meeting 10/13/2021

Board Members Present

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Brett Boynton

Kathie Weibel Gerd Prewett Anne Nolan

Dorothy Driver Joan Krueger

Boo Bash

We received invitation from Urban Impact to participate in boo bash 

Brett is willing to volunteer to be at table

Anne and Kathie offered to help as well 

Dorothy will try to join

As a board we can approve $500 donation

sponsorship is $250 for 1 table and our logo on printed materials

Gerd will go to Costco to get candy for distribution

Brett will store candy at his home and transport it to the  event

Keegan moved to donate $250- $300 in kind donation of candy


Info indicates that all candy distribution must be contactless

Keegan will email Danielle at Urban Impact to clarify contactless distribution of candy as well as how much we need to donate in kind 

Alan will reach out to Natalya to ask how we got RBCC stickers for play dough but not something we need to 

Dorothy will print fliers with RBCC meeting info to have at the table

Meeting adjourned