Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 9/22/2021

Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor          Alan Ross                Anne Nolan

Brett Boynton                 Kathie Weibel         Dorothy Driver

Danielle McClure           Gerd Prewett          Joan  Krueger


  1. Assessment of virtual membership meeting on Sept 8
  2. Proposal by Brendan Works ( on landscaping the median on Waters and the role RBCC should play in it.  He requested a $750 grant from the City but was declined because he is not a “group” like RBCC.
  • Brendan Works wants to write grant
  • Alan explained our annual spring clean up and we might be able to help
  • Brendan is willing to do the work, water the area, and provide water
  • He asked if we would cosponsor a grant
  • He recommended that we work in small area first.
  • Kathie recommended that he be required to complete RBCC she will locate it Alan will draft email
  • Brendan will need to complete grants for city.
  • we would like to capture his enthusiasm but do not see this happening until at least next year.
  1. Alan- Tech committee chair write up and follow up
  • discussion tabled next meeting
  1. Status of RBCC membership survey.  Next steps?
  •       Keegan is working on wording questions.  He has written 2 questions will continue working on specific wording for questions.  He will submit sample questions to board before the survey is sent
  • He will reach out to other community boards to see if they have done a survey
  1. Status of developing “work instructions” for Treasurer, Secretaries and other Board roles.  Next steps?
  • Discussion tabled for next meeting
  1. Keegan – Volunteer Park Trust – Seeking letter of support for Summer Series to cap amphitheater project
  • Keegan will send Anne to find previous support letters
  1. Gerd – meeting with insurance agent to learn about our coverage. Who wants to attend and possibly days/times. He is willing to meet via zoom. Prefers daytime but would be available in the evening
  • Insurance agent prefers day time but will be available for an evening zoom
  • Keegan, Kathie and Gerd will meet with agent
  • Keegan will email Gerd availability for meeting
  1. Kathie – “Preliminary 2022 Budget Discussion
  • discussed goals for RBCC
  • what types of events would we like to support? create?
  • should we continue paying rent or do we want to just rent  space per events
  • budget will be similar to next year
  • Gerd will follow up with groups who may want to rent regularly to help maintain our finances rather than renting for individual one time events
  • Mt. Baker Community Club has continued to rent club and provides very clear guidelines Alan will review agreement. 
  1. Dorothy – Arts and Crafts Fair will very likely be an outdoor event  again this year, with indeterminate enthusiasm/participation  given the projected climate re: COVID Delta spike, neither Joyce nor Dorothy have the bandwidth to produce it. 
    The question for RBCC  Board is whether or not the Club wants to sponsor/produce it if someone else would want to be the lead(s)? or if we just take a break this year.  We would of course provide support to anyone who would want to step forward, from the Community. 
  • Alan will explore creating an online only event
  1. Anne – Developer, Henry Pierce, who seeks community feedback regarding a development in Rainier Beach planned for 9275 57th Ave S. (the property across from Red Wing), is planning to post his formal community outreach package in mid-Oct at our 10/27 Board meeting. 
  • He is not prepared to discuss.
  • Tabled for next meeting
  1. Speakers for November and beyond.
  • Kathie will reach out to librarian
  • Kathie has contact info for zero waste management
  • Danielle will reach out to rain wise
  • Brett will follow up with Erin Rasmussen, Principal at Emerson
  • Dorothy will reach out to Jenny Frankel
  1. Agenda items for October member meeting
  • speaker 
  • usual agenda 
  • mention survey
  • virtual arts and crafts market
  • cancellation of harvest social

Future speakers:

  1. Confirmed October – UW Asst. Professor and Co-Chair of Seattle’s Planning Commission, Rick Moher, to speak on the proposal to change the designation of Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods from “single family” to “neighborhood residential”.
  2. On-hold pending survey – Mark Solomon, SPD’s Crime Prevention Coordinator has reached out to RBCC to advise that the South Precinct has a new Captain, Scott Moss.  He would like to introduce himself to RBCC, field questions and address concerns.  Keegan will have survey ready before next board meeting so we can move forward. 
  3. Other ideas include Jenny Frankel (back-to-school plans), Womens’ self-defense, CPR/First-Aid, Erin Rasmussen (Principal of Emerson) and Librarian. (see notes above)

Other discussions

Donavan is recommending VFW invest their funds in bond market and invest other funds into other markets in order to increase their in order to begin to utilize funds for building repairs and long term maintenance. He recommended we do the same Kathie suggested the finance committee will explore options for financial investments. She and 

Carol reported that the woman who lived in the VFW hall passed away.  The space is being cleared and available for storage

Carol reported that there is a Link 2 Lake fall work party

Carol asked for minutes of meeting to be read