Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 8/25/2021

Board Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Dorothy Driver

Gerd Prewett Brett Boyton Anne Nolan

Danielle McClure Joan Krueger


  1.   Assessment of membership meeting on August 14 and presentation by Sally Li, Co-chair of RB Link2Lake.
  • ice cream was very successful
  • speaker was very interesting.
  • discussion about future activities to include young families.  
  • possible food truck event
  1. Developer, Henry Pierce, who seeks community feedback regarding a development in Rainier Beach planned for 9275 57th Ave S. (the property across from Red Wing), is planning to post his formal community outreach package in mid-Sept.  Can we set up a zoom call to hear his plans after that? 
  • we would welcome the opportunity to discuss his plans
  • he has expressed interest in getting our input
  • Anne will try to set up zoom to correspond with our next board meeting 
  1. New county mandate for masks for inside meetings
  • September meetings will be zoomed
  • we will conduct survey on survey monkey to assess how community members feels about in person vs zoom meetings
  • Alan will research how to develop the survey
  1. Ice Cream Social for Sept. member meeting?
  • no ice cream social scheduled
  • see above
  1. B2SBackpacks event of Aug 28.
  • those driving together will meet at VFW hall at 10
  • Joan and Sari will meet at the event at 11
  1. Wine tasting logistics and budget
  • event cancelled due to Covid
  • Alan wil update website to reflect cancellation
  1. Gerd got a rental inquiry from a person re self defense classes. It will be one teacher and 2 students 2-3 times per week about 2 hours per time. Sounds like it will be on-going. The person’s daughter used to take dance classes with Jenna so he is very familiar with the space and lives in our neighborhood. Both Su and I are comfortable with this rental if he decides he wants to use the space. 
  • rental was approved
  • Gerd will add to calendar
  1. Gerd got a call last week and a letter from our insurance agent. Farmer’s will not renew our insurance at the end of October. We do not have a liquor license and alcohol may be served at the facility. A subsidiary of Farmer’s will provide coverage minus alcohol liability coverage. The agent said the premium will be a bit lower than our current one. Maybe in the future we should discuss whether or not we will allow renters to serve alcohol.
  • Gerd will invite insurance agent to explain our coverage and answer any concerns
  1. Are we continuing with the Zoom subscription? 
  • annual fee is 149.90
  • monthly fee is $14.99 per month
  • Alan will renew at monthly rate
  1. Should the treasurer have a special RBCC email used for treasurer related business. Currently there are 3 potential uses for this:
    1. We could use this email with the IRS to file a very simplified report as long as annual revenues are less than $50,000. This would eliminated the need for H&R Block to file  form 990 EZ on our behalf and save about $150 per year.
    2. Use this email for the annual report filing with Washington State. Currently Gerd uses her personal email.
    3. Use this email for the annual report and to get the annual business license (which we need as long as we rent the space to outside parties) with the City of Seattle. Gerd currently uses her personal email.
  • New email approved

Future speaker ideas for Sept. and Beyond

  1. Vanessa Murdock of City of Seattle may speak to proposal to change the designation of Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods from “single family” to “neighborhood residential”.
  • Anne will get information to write blurb for October
  1. Mark Solomon, SPD’s Crime Prevention Coordinator has reached out to RBCC to advise that the South Precinct has a new Captain, Scott Moss.  He would like to introduce himself to RBCC, field questions and address concerns.
  • Danielle and Keegan will research survey to ask for community input into types of speakers community members would like to hear from, types of social events, making vs in person meeting, interest in being on the board
  1. Brendan Works has offered to give a presentation about a project that they’ve  been working on to improve the landscaping in some of the public right-of-ways in our neighborhood.
  • It could be ready to present in September if that slot is open. 
  • If not, later in the fall would be fine as well. 
  • 5 minute announcement
  1. Speaker from Via Transit to talk about expanded services to include trips to Kubota and beyond.
  • Danielle reached out to marketing and is waiting to hear back
  • approved
  1. Other ideas include Jenny Frankel (back-to-school plans), Womens’ self-defense, CPR/First-Aid, Erin Rasmussen (Principal of Emerson) and Librarian.
  • Brett sent email to Erin Ramussen. He will follow up with her
  • Keegan will reach out to librarian


Keegan will rework fliers to reflect that in person events are currently on hold

We will distribute fliers at B2Sbackpack event 8/28 to increase community awareness or RBCC

VFW asked to reinstate $300 rent effective October through December