Board Members Present
Joan Krueger Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan
Alan Ross Kathie Weibel Dorothy Driver
Danielle McClure
- Assessment of F2F membership meeting and ice-cream on July 14 and presentation by Cody Nelson and Katherine Lynch of SPU on Taylor Creek improvement plans.
- Ice cream social was big success..
- 15 non board non presenter attendees presentation was excellent..
- projector needs to be further from wall…
- reviewed feedback of one members behavior that was borderline rude and strategies for future events were reviewed.
- People who were present handled him well
- City of Seattle proposal to change the designation of Rainier Beach and other neighborhoods from “single family” to “neighborhood residential”
- table this until we have more information
- Anne is going to try to find a speaker to clarify meaning of “neighborhood residential”
- Developer, Henry Pierce, is interested in getting some community feedback regarding a development in Rainier Beach planned for 9275 57th Ave S. (the property across from Red Wing). Do we want to zoom with him?
- Anne will inquire who else he is speaking with
- board will arrange zoom meeting with him to get info
- New county guidance (no end date yet) for inside F2F meetings
- new recommendations for masks issued today
- Alan will verify guidance
- Zoom expiration 9/30 (if cancelling, must cancel prior to rebill)
- table this until next update..
- Keegan suggests we plan to cancel or go to monthly if necessary
- Ice Cream Social for August member meeting?
- Keegan will get more ice cream from Creamy Cones
- Sponsorship info for B2SBackpacks –
- Gerd received mail from monies sent
- do we need to reach out to register / send logo?
- Dorothy will follow up with Danielle to clarify what we need to do to receive acknowledgment for our sponsorship
- can we donate our volunteer hours
- Keegan can design an ad if Dorothy can get details about size..
- B2SBackpacks – Anyone sign up for a volunteer shift?
- Might be fun to do together.
- Volunteeris August 28 10-12 Dorothy, Alan, Danielle, Anne, Kathie and Randy
- Wine tasting logistics and budget
- Alan previous budget $150
- usually make enough to cover costs
- waiting to confirm to determine if there will be more mandates or if we can have event 10/9
- Defibrillator..
- Kathie will ask Red Cross if we can arrange for training on use of machine
- Update on completion of gutter work from the grant and filing grant documents..
- gutter work is complete.
- Payment on way to contractor
- Future speakers for Sept. and beyond
- Kathie spoke to librarian
- Anne will try to get someone to discuss change in neighborhood designation status
- Keegan will follow up with Brett about Emerson principal, Erin Rasmussen
- Agenda items for August member meeting
- announce B2B backpacks event
- list of upcoming events including wine events
- include link to Taylor Creek project
- distribute flyers
- Alan will print more as needed..
Future Guest Speakers:
- August – Sally Li, Co-chair of RB Link2Lake improvements at Be’er Sheva will provide update on construction timelines, milestones and funding
- Future ideas include: Jenny Frankel (back-to-school plans), Womens’ self-defense, CPR/First-Aid, Erin Rasmussen (Principal of Emerson) and Librarian.