Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 3/24/2021 

Board Members in Attendance;

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Anne Nolan

Gerd Prewett Kathie Weibel Brett Boyton

Joan Krueger Danielle McClure


  1. Assessment of online membership meeting on March 10 and presentations by Gary Olson of Seattle Watershed Alliance and Ellen Phillips-Angeles of Kubota Garden Foundation
  • Gary Olson was a bit of a disappointment because his presentation on Taylor Creek was not
    •   in the future we should tell the person more info about our membership to help them gear presentation to audience
    • he does not represent Taylor Creek project and members knew more about it than he did
    • Alan can reach out to Sally Li to see if there is an update about Prichard Beach for July speaker
    • Ellen Phillips-Angeles reported updates on Mapes Creek
    • There were some new members at the meeting
  1. Assessment of recent wine social and future social events
  • Fun but small turn out
  • people are zoomed out so attendance may be impacted
  • we discussed options for future events and perhaps waiting a month or two to schedule events
  • Brett may invite us to a ukulele event
  1. Assessment of 2021 budget proposed to members. 
  • no feed back

  4.  Grant ideas discussed with members are listed below.  Question to be answered is how will we accrue volunteer hours without Bridge to Beach event. 

  •   VFW has expressed interest in helping with our $ match.    
  •   We need 18 people to volunteer 3 hours to match funds. That         number will be reduced if VFW matches funds
  1. New gutters (est. $2,700)
  2. ADA-standard access ramps study assessment
  3. Form 990 EZ  for 2020 has been filed by Gerd with the IRS
  4. Kathie will file for the grant
  5. We need estimate for drain

Other grant discussion:

  1. Su got estimate for ADA ramp. 
  2. We discussed issue of getting ramp

Other community project:

  1. Get pedestrian crossing at Kubota gardens for next year
    • we need letters from other community groups 
    • Kathie will write letter as sample for community groups to support

5.   Update on taxes (Gerd) filed taxes. She used H&R Block 

6.   Holidays that land on membership meeting days 

  • we discussed how we want to acknowledge holidays when they conflict with meetings
  • we will discuss further at future meetings

7.   Garden Tour

  • June 12
  • we’re aiming for 6 gardens
  • simple 2021 covid conscious
  • time TBD

8.   Future speakers for April and beyond 

  • See below
  • Seattle Police Department (?) 
    • do they have a community person for us to reach out to?

9.   Agenda items for April member meeting 

  • garden tour
  • moving forward to grant for the gutters we may need volunteers

Future Guest Speakers:

 April – Liz Covey is a private practice therapist, mental health consultant, and parent coach located in South Seattle. Liz is also a freelance writer, and has a monthly column in the South Seattle Emerald called “Ask A Therapist”. She is a former Rainier Beach resident, and was a recipient of the goodwill of RBCC through her work with the Rainier Beach Girl Scouts troop.

May – Larry and Cathie Wilmore, FAST (Fathers and Sons Together). Need blurb  Keegan will follow-up follow-up to get blurb

June – Daniella Nicholas, Tilth Alliance; possibly David Reyes, Friends of Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands; possibly Juan Peña, Tilth Alliance Need blurb  Keegan will follow-up to get blurb