Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 12/23/2020

In Attendance   Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Su Harambe

Alan Ross Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton

Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger

Agenda Topics

  • Assessment of online membership meeting on Dec. 9 and presentation by Youth Care
    • helpful to know shelter is moving into neighborhood
    • interesting and informative
    • helpful to know of other opportunities to donate in our community
  • Feedback on Arts and Craft Fair that ended 12/20 (Dorothy)
    • Make F2F event more that 4 hours (maybe 10 am to 3 pm)
    • Dorothy asked for feedback for online sales
    • The event was a huge success and we’re hopeful to be in the clubhouse next year
    • Some artists feel that they have created a network with one another and this will help build a strong artists community
    • thank you to Alan and Tom for the technical support
    • thank you to Dorothy and Joyce
  • Future speakers for February and beyond
    • Liz Covey (February) mental health specialist (Su will follow up)
    • Kathie Weibel had several suggestions. She will be on the new board and we can follow up with her 
    • Ryan Calkins is a commissioner at the Port of Seattle. In addition he is a coach and consultant at Ventures, a charitable organization that supports low-income entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses in the Puget Sound area.(Dorothy)
  • Agenda items for January member meeting besides election on 2021 Board
    • Election 
    • FAST (fathers and sons together) received donations and stored items at VFW.  They organized give aways for holiday.  It was a hugely successful event.
    • Keegan uploaded videos to youtube.  Alan added a link to posts on website.  Links to minutes are now available on the website
    • February social event for Valentines Day 2/13/2021
      • show and tell valentines
      • include fun categories
      • Alan will contact Danielle

Future Guest Speakers:

  1. January – Jamie Ptacek, Lead Organizer for Futurewise’s Washington Can’t Wait Campaign. With a background in climate science and community organizing, Jamie has been working to build a base of support among individual constituents and partner organizations across the state to update Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) during this legislative session. The updates that the Washington Can’t Wait Campaign has brought forward with our organizational partners seek to incorporate policy in the GMA that would address climate change, housing affordability, and environmental justice. Jamie will be discussing the Washington Can’t Wait Campaign, the policy changes being advocated for, and offer opportunities for folks to get involved in this work.