Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 7/22/2020

Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure

Su Harambe Anne Nolan Brett Boyton Dorothy Driver Joan Krueger

Assessment of 7/8 meeting and speaker John Stafford presentation

  • meeting was a success, new neighbors participated
  • John Stafford was an interesting speaker and non remained non-partisan
  • Will consider limiting speaking time of community members

Assessment of on line 7/11 Balderdash event and ideas for future events:

  • not well attended
  • Continuity of community events is important even if not well attended.
  • More widely advertise through social media
  • Zoom ice cream social August 22 7:00-8:00
  • Future trivia games will be scheduled

Replacement of generator (Gerd):

  • SU will go to building to confirm building is completely cleaned for new generator and shred old papers
  • Su will reach out to Ron Angeles and they will order new generator
  • She will inform Keegan and Gerd when order is placed
  • Concerns for access during an earthquake were discussed. Once installed n basement  we will look for alternate location

Calendar update  (Gerd)

  • Calendar still lists membership and girl scout meetings at club.  Membership meetings will be changed to reflect zoom status.  Girl scout meetings were removed from calendar.  
  • Alan will reach out to Richard so he can update VFW use of building on calendar

Old Bank Statements: (Gerd)

  • Su found old bank statements in the storage area.  We only need to save 7 years.  Older ones can be discardedGerd will contact Richard to identify a safe location for storage. She will coordinate with Donovan and Ron

Future Speakers:

Omari Sailsbury,

  • Danielle reached out to Omari Sailsbury, a journalist fro Converge Media, who extensively covered the BLM movement and protests in May-June. He is interested  in possibly speaking at an RBCC meeting.  His perspective on what’s been happening in Seattle and Cap Hill has been thought provoking.  He would likely  draw a larger and perhaps more diverse crowd of our neighbors to meeting.  Danielle will contact him and ask if he would be willing to speak at our September meeting.

Ellen/Kubota Gardens: (Alan)

  • Jackie O’Ryan was the liaison between Kubota gardens and RBCC. She received a letter with the long term plan for the garden. Alan will reach out to Jackie.  We would like to have a guest speaker from Kubota to share the long term plan.
  • Kubota will donate book once we can meet again in person

Speaker to discuss city plans for sewer, water, and electric upgrades

  • idea defeated

Marcus Green

  • Danielle will reach out and ask if he is interested i speaking or ask for suggestions for additional speakers.

Other items:

  • Su found old meeting minutes.  We will try to preserve them and create archive on website

Agenda items for 7/8 meeting:

  • Upcoming social event 8/22
  • Generator fund > update on fund raiser $200/$500 raised through donations 
  • Reschedule of harvest social
  • Arts and Crafts show  (Dorothy) > call for artists, zoom event for artists to discuss plans, will be modified and held on line this year. 

Guest Speaker August meeting:

Omar Akkari is the Shoreline Street Ends (SSE) Program Coordinator for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation. The SSE Program improves public access, protects unique views, enhances habitat, supports maritime industry and fosters stewardship to create long-lasting assets.  Omar will introduce the SSE program and proposed ordinance.