Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 6/24/2020

Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Anne Nolan

Su Harambe Gerd Prewett Danielle McClure

Brett Boyton Dorothy Driver Joan Krueger

Assessment of  6/10 meeting:

  • meeting was a success, new neighbors participated
  • Mark Solomon was an interesting speaker 

Assessment of on line trivia 6/20 event and ideas for future events:

  • small group attended but it was an enjoyable event
  • can future event include working in teams in break out rooms
  • More widely advertise through social media
  • Danielle volunteered to spear head next event 7/11 7:30-9:00

New website status:

  • Potential launch 7/1
  • all minutes are current
  • Tim sent photos, Alan created back up

Seahawk Tickets:  (Gerd)

  • Rodney GIvens was approached about donating Seahawk tickets as raffle for Harvest Social 
  • Due to corona virus concerns Harvest Social and Football are questionable
  • Decided to pass on tickets

Generator: (Gerd)

  • The generator is an essential factor in community safety in the event of an emergency
  • Insurance money for replacement received
  • $166 in donations toward $500 deductible
  • Will mention at general meeting and ask for donations
  • Gerd will contact Richard to identify a safe location for storage. She will coordinate with Donovan and Ron

Annual report: (Gerd)

  • Gerd filed annual report with State of Washington

July Speaker: (Keegan)

  • John Stafford will present information about 37th District Democrats
  • He is currently running for office to represent that district
  • As a non-partisan organization we need to clarify that his prevention will be non-partisan
  • The language of our next meeting will reflect that he is going to present a non-partisan overview of the legislation session
  • Keegan will email Kathy to confirm that this is clear

Future Speakers:

  • Omar from shoreline street to present update on culvert replacement
  • Does Kathy have other speakers lined up? 

Ellen/Kubota Gardens: (Alan)

  • Kubota gardens would like to donate Kubota Garden book to RBCC
  • we will make it available to borrow when in person meetings resume

Agenda items for 7/8 meeting:

  • Rainier Beach Economic Round Table > Natalya is no longer able to attend meetings, is someone available to attend?
  • Upcoming social event 7/11
  • Generator fund > Gerd will ask Ron to present a 5 minute call to action to explain need for generator
  • Website launch via screen share
  • Ask for guest speaker suggestions
  • Ask for ideas for social events