Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 11/25/2020

Board Members in Attendance:

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure

Su Harambe Anne Nolan Brett Boyton Dorothy Driver           Joan Krueger

Assessment of 11/11/2020 meeting and speakers  Olivia Reed and Gloria Hatcher-Mays 

  • meeting was very interesting and informative 
  • learned a great deal about the Rainier Valley Food Bank 
  • the meeting was not recorded 

 Promotion of Harvest Festival Social Plans

  • Saturday 11/28 via zoom
  • Anne will send out follow up email
  • RBCC facebook events page

Update Arts and Crafts Market:

  • Alan is working on website 
  • Map will be on website
  • Joyce Greenberg and Dorothy Driver are organizing event
  • $750 donated to RBCC from fees (minus $18 PayPal fee)

Nominating Committee

  • No updates (Alan)
  • Anne will send slate in email
  • Finalize slate at December meeting

Future Speakers

  • Liz Covey confirmed for February 10 meeting (Su)
  • Randi Esletine director of Community Engagement @ Youth Care as possible guest speaker (Alan)

Agenda items for  12/9/2020 meeting:

  • committee reports
  • introduction of guests or new members
  • approve minutes
  • corresponding secretary report
  • Standing committee reports
  • Old Business
    • feed back on last months speaker
    • feed back on harvest social
    • Arts and Crafts Market on line through 12/20
  • New Business
    • introduction of slate of candidates
    • member vote 1/13/202
  • guest speaker

Guest Speaker:

Randi Eseltine, Director of Community Engagement with YouthCare will present information about the organization and upcoming shelter relocation.  YouthCare works to end youth homelessness and to ensure that young people are valued for who they are and empowered to achieve their potential. And now, to accommodate the Seattle-King County Public Health Department’s COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, YouthCare’s South Seattle Shelter will be relocating to the Rainier Beach area in January 2021. 

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 11/11/2020

Board Members in Attendance:

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure Gerd Prewett

Anne Nolan Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton Joan Krueger

Featured Speakers

Olivia Reed and Gloria HatcherYouth & Community Organizer, Rainier Valley Food Bank to discuss recent programs and volunteer opportunities. The RVFB opened  in 1991 as a volunteer-led neighborhood pantry serving 50 families a week. Founded as Northwest Community Services, the organization experienced a rapid rise in demand as the nation’s economy began to decline in 2008. In response to this huge increase in the number of families in need of food in our neighborhood, the board changed the organization’s name to Rainier Valley Food Bank, and hired its first professional executive director in 2009.  Links to participate in programs and services available on website.  Contact Gloria at for more information.

Standing Items

  • Call to Order
  • Approve Minutes from last months membership meeting (9/9/202)
  • Corresponding Secretary Report (Anne) nothing to report
  • Reports for standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) nothing to report
    • Building Committee nothing to report
      • Finance (Gerd)
        • savings account  $27,257.97
        • checking account  $8,513.74
        • interest deposit account $0.81
        • Total $35,772.52
  • Technology (Alan) Arts and Crafts Market
  • Social (Danielle)
    • join us for Harvest Social Saturday, November 28th from 7:00-8:00
    • facebook invitation
    • link in email announcing meeting

Old Business

  • Membership feedback on:
    • Last month’s presentation of new development  in Kubota Gardens
      • informative helpful information about beautiful local garden
  • Last month’s WineFest on October 17
    • well attended, fun, people felt very comfortable and stayed longer than expected.  good turn out

New Business

  • Nomination of 2021 RBCC Board and Trustees.  Looking for members interested in being candidates
    • Club Vote January meeting
    • Nomination committee voted October meeting
      • Contact members (JoAnn Denchant, Alan Ross, Su Harambe)  of committee if you are interested in running for any ot these positions


  • Arts and Crafts Market (Dorothy)
    • event is scheduled for 12/5 from 11-3
    • 21 vendors
    • musicians wanted
    • thank you to Alan for website
  • Planting Date (Jane)
    • Volunteer opportunity to participate in planting pilot project of native plants 11/14/2020
Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 10/28/2020

In Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Su Harambe

Alan Ross Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton

Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger Danielle McClure

  1. Assessment of online membership meeting on October 14, update on Kubota Gardens
  • program was very informative
  • important to have overview of wonderful neighborhood resource

2. Assessment of Wine Fest on Saturday Oct. 17.

  • event was a big success
  • conversation flowed well
  • lots of new neighbors participated
  • Next event 
    • Harvest Festival 
    • 11/28/202 
    • 7:00-8:00 pm 
    • Keegan will announce at next meeting
    • Danielle will post invitation on facebook
    • Alan will create zoom link

3. Updates on Arts and Craft events  Alan/Dorothy

  • Thanks to Alan, Tom and Gerd for all their help
  • 22 vendors are participating 
  • Su will collect “A” boards
  • map of event should be downloadable as PDF for phone use

4.  Insurance update/follow-up  Gerd 

  • Premiums that we’re paying are very good according to David Merrill (especially D&O). 
  •  Gerd will talk to him again next August/Sept to review the coverage. 
  • Our annual renewal premium for liability and property coverage with Farmer’s is $761 and our annual premium for D&O coverage is $531. 
  • Same premiums as last year.

5. Nominees for 2021 RBCC Board:

  1. Pres – Keegan O’Connor
  2. VP – Alan Ross
  3. Treasurer – Gerd Prewett
  4. Corresponding Secretary – Anne Nolan
  5. Recording Secretary – Joan Krueger
  6. Trustee – Brett Boynton (new 2 yr term)
  7. Trustee – Danielle McClure (new 2 yr term)
  8. Trustee – Kathie Weibel (serving 2nd year for Su)
  9. Trustee – Dorothy Driver (doesn’t need a vote)

*Keegan will set up surgery monkey for voting as this is the best method for meeting bi-law requirements

*JoAnn will have access to survey monkey results

6. Suggestion for Future speakers after November

  • Liz Covey Mental Health provider. (Su)
  • Community Passageway (Danielle and Dorothy)
  • The Intentionalist Highlights local businesses
  • SE Seattle Creative District

7. Agenda items for November member meeting 

  • 11/28 Zoom Harvest Social
  • 2021 elections for board at January meeting
    • who is on committee
    • list positions
  • Arts and Crafts Market

8.  November Guest Speaker:

November 11, 2020 – Olivia Reed, Youth & Community Organizer, Rainier Valley Food Bank to discuss recent programs and volunteer oppotunities. The RVFB opened  in 1991 as a volunteer-led neighborhood pantry serving 50 families a week. Founded as Northwest Community Services, the organization experienced a rapid rise in demand as the nation’s economy began to decline in 2008. In response to this huge increase in the number of families in need of food in our neighborhood, the board changed the organization’s name to Rainier Valley Food Bank, and hired its first professional executive director in 2009.

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 10/7/2020

Board Members in Attendance:

Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Danielle McClure

Brett Boynton Joan Krueger

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Featured Speaker:  In 2019, Kubota Garden Foundation funded the Kubota Garden Master Plan Update, hiring consultants to lead a broad community and city outreach process to help assess the current garden and provide guidance for its future design and development. KGF Board President, Joy Okazaki and the consultant team joined us to present their findings and highlight some of the recommendation to guide improvement for the next 20-30 years.

Standing Items:

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting Corresponding Secretary report:  (Anne) absent
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership: Nothing
    • Building: no one present to provide report
    • Finance (Gerd) 
  • Account Balances:
  • Savings: $27,257.55
  • Checking: $9,783.03
  • Deposit: .81 
  • We have no income
  • Social – (Danielle) October 17 from 7-8pm will be our first virtual  (ZOOM) WineFest. Have your favorite wine or other beverage on hand and be prepared to describe it (Anne will provide fun adjectives/descriptors to help you find just the right word(s)!  
  • Technology (Keegan) no updates

Old Business:

  • Any membership feedback on last month’s presentation by Omar Akkari on Seattle Street Ends (SSE). 
    • Interesting to learn areas that might be available for direct water access
    • (Vicky) Cooper Street end park
  • The Arts and Crafts Fair will be a Facebook event running from late November through mid-December.  Details will soon follow on deadlines and how it will run. (Keegan)
    • Arts and Crafts fair will be virtual event.
    • Facebook event
    • Sign up extended to 10/16
    • link in invitation

New Business :

  • We were able to reach a quorum which allowed us to take a vote for members of the nominating committee. All votes submitted via the Survey Monkey poll were cast for the nominated members: JoAnn as lead, with Alan and Su as additional members of the committee. No write-ins were received. Two members were unable to access the poll during the meeting, but were comfortable voicing their vote publicly, which brought us up to 15 votes (plus the 13 received via the poll). 
  • Kathy Weibel announced that the library and Rainier Beach High School need tutors to help students via zoom
Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 9/30/2020

Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure

Su Harambe Anne Nolan Brett Boyton Dorothy Driver Joan Krueger Gerd Prewett

Assessment of online membership meeting on Sept. 9 and Omari Salisbury presentation.

  • new people attended.
  • people stayed
  • excellent speaker, extremely inspiring
  • thank you to Danielle

Planning for Wine Fest on Saturday Oct. 17 (Danielle)

  • Alan will post link to invitation with meeting email
  • Danielle will write blurb
  • Anne is creating adjective list 

Updates on Arts and Craft events (Alan/Dorothy)

  • 5-6 artists have responded
  • new vendor applied
  • adding musicians via separate invitation
  • Alan can we extend deadline? He will send time line to Dorothy and Joyce
  • Anne  will resend email via RBCC

Updates on Love Your Lands (Keegan)

  • no update

Should we update the website to indicate we are not accepting rentals right now, until we are able to do so (Gerd)

  • want to show we’re still renting but can’t now (Alan)

Recording of future guest speakers (Keegan)

  • As long as we are hosting meetings via Zoom, should we ask each new speaker if we can record their presentation, and then make them easily available on our website, rather than just having a link in the meeting minutes?

Update on insurance (Gerd)

  • Gerd contacted agent
  • renewal due mid- October
  • raising deductible to reduce cost may not be worthwhile
  • insurance is currently our largest expense. 
  • Gerd suggested we maintain current policy
  • Gerd received $40 check 
  • Gerd has contacted Dave Merrill to see what he can offer.

Future speakers after October

  • Kathie Weibel suggested a Board Member from Harborview  re: bond on ballot and Harborview history
    • Keegan will talk to Kathie to confirm that speaker must be nonpartisan
    • Anne can follow up with Kathie
  • Rainier Valley Food Bank (Danielle)
    • local food bank, what can we do, how can we help 
    • Brett will follow up
  • Community Passageways (Danielle)
    • youth on path
    • people post prison
  • Mental Health Specialist (Su)
    • Liz Covey hopefully to speak before holiday 
  • Marcus Green oat Emerald (Su)

Agenda items for October member meeting 

  • harvest social
  • wine event
  • arts and crafts reminder and update
  • nomination of board members

Future Guest Speakers:

October 14 – Kubota Garden Master Plan Update – In 2019, the Kubota Garden Foundation funded the Kubota Garden Master Plan Update, hiring consultants to lead a broad community and City outreach process to help assess the current garden and provide guidance for its future design and development. KGF Board President Joy Okazaki and the consultant team will join us to present their findings and highlight some of the recommendations to guide improvements to the garden for the next 20-30 years.

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 9/9/2020

Board Members in Attendance:

Keegan O’Connor Su Harambe Alan Ross Danielle McClure

Brett Boynton Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger

Featured SpeakerLink to speakr presentation

Featured Speaker: Omari Salisbury is the COO and Founder of Converge Media, a leading producer of content for black and urban audiences. The son of the first black-owned photography studio in the Northwest, Omari Salisubry hails from a long line of visual storytellers. 52 countries and counting, Omari is a true global citizen working in media across the continent of Africa, the middle east, and Europe for Media Zone, Clouds Media Group, and Status Communications. No matter where Omari finds himself across the globe, he will always call Seattle home. Omari is a proud native of Seattle’s Central District and a graduate of James A. Garfield High School.  Omari’s email is  He is willing to help bring attention to necessary community concerns.  

Access Passcode: aV?^b64X

Standing Items:

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (2020 Membership Meeting Minutes) 
  • Corresponding Secretary report:  (Anne) absent
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership: Nothing
    • Building: VFW  (Su) annual dinner will be pick up dinner.  Keegan will share info 
    • Finance (Gerd) 
  • Account Balances:
  • Savings: $27,257.13, 
  • Checking: $10,292.18, 
  • Deposit: .81 
  • We have no income
  • Social – (Danielle) October 17 from 7-8pm will be our first virtual  (ZOOM) WineFest. Have your favorite wine or other beverage on hand and be prepared to describe it (Anne will provide fun adjectives/descriptors to help you find just the right word(s)!  
  • Technology (Alan) working on on-line arts and crafts market

Old Business:

  • Any membership feedback on last month’s presentation by Omar Akkari on Seattle Street Ends (SSE). 
    • Interesting to learn areas that might be available for direct water access
    • (Vicky) Cooper Street end park
  • The Arts and Crafts Fair will be a Facebook event running from late November through mid-December.  Details will soon follow on deadlines and how it will run. (Keegan)
    • Arts and Crafts fair will be virtual event.
    • Facebook event

New Business :

Love Your Lands Campaign – Sept 19-26 Does anyone in RBCC want to sign up for a project? Details at  (Keegan)

  • Local clean up projects
  • can sign up as group
  • Any more announcements?
  • Alvin Edwards has 500 masks available.  
  • He can be contacted at
Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 8/26/2020


Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure,

Su Harambe Anne Nolan Brett Boyton

Dorothy Driver Joan Krueger Gerd Prewett

Assessment of 8/12 meeting and speaker Omar Akkari presentation on SSE

  • One participant seemed to have control of meeting.  In the future members will be muted until meeting begins
  • Norfolk seems like a desirable community project to reclaim water access
  • Su wrote to Omar to ask how we get permission to begin to create public access.  There was no response.  She will follow up

Assessment of online Ice Cream Social and ideas for future social events

  • event was successful, 1 hour was a good amount of time, 1 new participant
  • Next event “winetober” 10/17 Anne will provide a list of adjectives to help people describe their wine

Different publicity needed for September speaker? (Alan)

  • board members will reach out to friends
  • link will be set up on RBCC facebook page
  • FB event page
  • Tom will reach out on instagram
  • separate email to announce speaker
  • Danielle will follow up and confirm speaker 

Update on tech needs for Arts and Crafts 

  • Tom and Alan will set up spiffy for event, need to clarify who is responsible for making sure buyer receives items
  • page on RBCC website with all info for vendors and products
  • youth participation encouraged
  • event will be held 12/5

Kubota Garden book received (Alan)

  • book is available for board members to share
  • will be available to everyone when in person meetings resume

Worst case scenario from a financial perspective

  • Worst case assumes we cannot have any activities (therefore no income) until our lease expires 7/31/2022.  IF we have no income and our current monthly and annual expenses (and no surprises) our balance will be $26,133 when our lease expires.  This is a few hundred dollars less than we inherited from the Women’s Club when the club was revived.
  • We’ve had no income since March.  Our expenses are rent, 50% of wifi, monthly zoom meeting fee, insurance, form 990 preparation for IRS, annual fees to the City of Seattle, State of Washington, and domain registration for website. Current insurance total cost per year is $1175. 
  • We discussed ideas for generating income

Future Speakers after October?

  • Keegan will reach out to Kathie.
  • Voter outreaches actions we can do in our neighborhood (must be non political)

Agenda items for September meeting

  • Arts and Crafts Event
  • Wintober  10/17
  • Deadline to register to vote

Future Guest Speakers

  • September 9- Omar Salisbury is an independent journalist and media professional with Seattle-based Coverage Media, a leading producer of culturally relevant content in the Pacific Northwest.  Salisbury will be sharing his experience and perspective as a journalist in the mask of the Seattle BLM movement, downtown protests, and the rise and fall of the CHOP, as he continues to report daily on the quickly shifting event in the city
  • October9- Kubota Garden Master Plan Update- In 2019, the Kubota Garden Foundation funded the Kubota Garden Master Plan Update, hiring consultants to lead a broad community and city outreach process to help assess the current garden and provide guidance tor its future design and development.  KGF Board President Joy Okazaki and the consultant team will join us to present their finding and highlight some of the recommendations to guide improvements to the garden for the next 20-30 years.
Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 8/12/2020

Board Members in Attendance

In Attendance: Keegan O’Connor  Anne Nolan Su Harambe 

Alan Ross Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton 

Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger Danielle McClure 

Standing Items:

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members (none in attendance)
  • Approve minutes from last meeting
  • Corresponding Secretary (Anne): nothing to report
  • Reports from committees
    • Membership: no updates
    • Building:  (Su)VFW reduced our rent by 50% because we are unable to rent do to COVID
    • Finance:  (Gerd) balances:
      • Savings $27,256.61, Checking $10,015.48, Deposit Acct $0.81,
      • new generator purchased $330 raised from donations to cover deductible
      • Ron Angeles and VFW offered to donate additional monies to cover $550 deductible
      • New generator has been ordered and will be stored inside the building
    • Social:  (Danielle) virtual ice cream social 8/22/2020 7-8 pm, everyone welcome and encouraged to attend
    • Technology: (Alan) New website is easy to navigate and looks great.  Alan updated with COVID info, email any feedback to Thank you to Tom and Alan 

Old Business:

  • Update on generator fund (see above)
  • Feedback on last month’s presentation by John Stafford on the highlights of last legislative session
    • informative 
    • suggestion was made to have an overview of the legislative session annually
  • Winners of the 2020 Rainier Beach Community Clean Up Challenge
    • 1st place: Tyrone and Yvette Kenny
    • 2nd place: Ron Angelis
    • 3rd place: Dave Merrill

New Business:

  • Harvest Social will be postponed until we cancel together safely (maybe spring celebration potluck)
  • Arts and Crafts Fair will be a Facebook event running November -December. Dorothy reported that more vendors will be included as there will be no space limits.  The fair will include a studio tour.   Alan and Tom volunteered to help with technical component. 
  • Rainier Beach Ready Emergency Communication Hub (Ron) will have a virtual presentation 9/1/2020 at 7 p.m. to inform neighbors how to communicate after a major disaster.  Register at  SIgns with information have been posted in the community.

Featured Speaker: Omar Akkari is the Shoreline Street Ends (SSE) Program Coordinator  for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation.  The SSE improves public access, protects unique views, enhances habitat, supports maritime industry and fosters stewardship to create long-lasting community assets.  Omar shared photos of current projects that restore public access to shoreline.  The SSE is helping home owners to bring public spaces into compliance.


Next meeting 9/9/2020

Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 7/22/2020

Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure

Su Harambe Anne Nolan Brett Boyton Dorothy Driver Joan Krueger

Assessment of 7/8 meeting and speaker John Stafford presentation

  • meeting was a success, new neighbors participated
  • John Stafford was an interesting speaker and non remained non-partisan
  • Will consider limiting speaking time of community members

Assessment of on line 7/11 Balderdash event and ideas for future events:

  • not well attended
  • Continuity of community events is important even if not well attended.
  • More widely advertise through social media
  • Zoom ice cream social August 22 7:00-8:00
  • Future trivia games will be scheduled

Replacement of generator (Gerd):

  • SU will go to building to confirm building is completely cleaned for new generator and shred old papers
  • Su will reach out to Ron Angeles and they will order new generator
  • She will inform Keegan and Gerd when order is placed
  • Concerns for access during an earthquake were discussed. Once installed n basement  we will look for alternate location

Calendar update  (Gerd)

  • Calendar still lists membership and girl scout meetings at club.  Membership meetings will be changed to reflect zoom status.  Girl scout meetings were removed from calendar.  
  • Alan will reach out to Richard so he can update VFW use of building on calendar

Old Bank Statements: (Gerd)

  • Su found old bank statements in the storage area.  We only need to save 7 years.  Older ones can be discardedGerd will contact Richard to identify a safe location for storage. She will coordinate with Donovan and Ron

Future Speakers:

Omari Sailsbury,

  • Danielle reached out to Omari Sailsbury, a journalist fro Converge Media, who extensively covered the BLM movement and protests in May-June. He is interested  in possibly speaking at an RBCC meeting.  His perspective on what’s been happening in Seattle and Cap Hill has been thought provoking.  He would likely  draw a larger and perhaps more diverse crowd of our neighbors to meeting.  Danielle will contact him and ask if he would be willing to speak at our September meeting.

Ellen/Kubota Gardens: (Alan)

  • Jackie O’Ryan was the liaison between Kubota gardens and RBCC. She received a letter with the long term plan for the garden. Alan will reach out to Jackie.  We would like to have a guest speaker from Kubota to share the long term plan.
  • Kubota will donate book once we can meet again in person

Speaker to discuss city plans for sewer, water, and electric upgrades

  • idea defeated

Marcus Green

  • Danielle will reach out and ask if he is interested i speaking or ask for suggestions for additional speakers.

Other items:

  • Su found old meeting minutes.  We will try to preserve them and create archive on website

Agenda items for 7/8 meeting:

  • Upcoming social event 8/22
  • Generator fund > update on fund raiser $200/$500 raised through donations 
  • Reschedule of harvest social
  • Arts and Crafts show  (Dorothy) > call for artists, zoom event for artists to discuss plans, will be modified and held on line this year. 

Guest Speaker August meeting:

Omar Akkari is the Shoreline Street Ends (SSE) Program Coordinator for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation. The SSE Program improves public access, protects unique views, enhances habitat, supports maritime industry and fosters stewardship to create long-lasting assets.  Omar will introduce the SSE program and proposed ordinance. 

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 7/8/2020

Board Members in Attendance

In Attendance: Keegan O’Connor  Anne Nolan Su Harambe 

Alan Ross Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton 

Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger Danielle McClure

Standing Items:

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s meeting with 2 corrections
  • Corresponding Secretary Report:  (Anne) Nothing to report
  • Standing Committee Reports
    • Membership: No updates
    • Building: (Gerd) The stolen generator will be replace and stored in the storage room which needs to be cleaned out.  The generator is important because it is part of our local community emergency plan.  Donations are welcome to help defray the cost of the $500 deductible. 
    • Finance: (Gerd)  Savings account: $27,256.19, Checking account: $12,867.85, Deposit account: $0.81
    • Social: Happy hour trivia night Saturday July 11 7:30-9:00 pm 
    • Technology:  (Alan) Our new website launched.

Old Business:

  • Review of new website (Alan) screen shared and showed the wonderful new website.
  • The need for a new generator was reviewed (Kathy Weibel).  It is source community of power in case of major emergency such as an earth quake.
  • Member feedback on last month’s speaker, Mark Solomon.  People felt his presentation was interesting and relevant.  Of especial interest were the visual details and clarification of legal terminology.
  • Membership was asked to share Ideas for future speakers
    • Kubota gardens long range plans
    • Sewage, water, electric 
  • URB Virtual Garden Tour feed back from membership
    • May to end of June
    • Members are encouraged to

Featured Speaker:   Link to speaker presentation

John Stafford of 37th District Democrats presented a non-partisan summary of 2020 Washington State Legislative Session.  Although some important legislation plans were passed, Mr. Stafford stated that not many very high impact acts were passed.  We can do a great deal this session however financial deficit due to Covid created urgent problems not originally anticipated.  We are facing 5 crisis; public health, economic recession, budget crisis, racial justice, and climate change. He suggested that we should look at balance budget without austerity, new progressive taxation, aggressively address climate change, address issues of racial injustice.


  • Town of Renton has many resources including free masks
  • Rainier Health and Fitness is offering free and inexpensive resources on line.


Next meeting is August 12, 2020