Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting/Ice Cream Social 7/14/20

Board Members in Attendance 

In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Danielle McClure

Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton  

15 other RBCC members in attendance.

Standing Items: 

  • Membership:  Nothing to report  
  • Building: Gutter work on club house is underway  
  • Finance:  Our balance is $34,100.84 ($6,838.40 in checking and $27,262.44 in savings
  • Technology:  Nothing to report
  • Social: See “New Business” below

Old Business:  None

New Business:

  • Rainier Beach Back 2 School Bash – Saturday, August 28, 12-4pm ,  Rainier Beach Community Center Plaza (Rainier & Henderson).  Calling for volunteers – Registration link (register by July 30).  To provide students and families with backpacks, school supplies and information about neighborhood and educational resources, food, clothing and entertainment.  RBCC donated $500 as a “Silver” sponsor to this event.
  • Wine Tasting event – Saturday, October 9, doors 7pm, tasting 7:30-10pm -Bring a bottle of French red wine $20 or less and wine glass per person, $10 in advance, $15 at door.. Prepay link
  • Harvest Social, Friday, November 26, 6-10pm
  • Arts & Crafts Market, Saturday, December 4, 10am-2pm

Featured Speaker

Cody Nelson and Katherine Lynch of Seattle Public Utilities provide an update on the Taylor Creek Restoration project. SPU’s Taylor Creek (TC) Restoration project will address and prevent localized flooding by improving drainage infrastructure, restoring the natural drainage system function of TC and it’s watershed; eliminate barriers to fish passage; rebuild and improve natural habitat; and provide equitable opportunities to the community by expanding public access to open space. Notable design improvements include:

  • The 36” diameter culvert under Rainier Avenue being replaced by a 17’ bridge
  • A path to the Lake WA shoreline with 2 overlooks
  • A sediment pond just south of Pulcinella (where the apt. bldg. is)
  • An additional cross-walk at Cornell (no lights however)
  • “Woody Materials Structures” to trap sediment, prevent further erosion and create habitat on upper TC

The project team has just reached the 90% design phase for lower TC and will be submitting for federal permits this fall. Bidding will follow in 2023 with construction expected to be complete in 2025.

SPU’s website

will be updated in the Fall with the revised plan that will include the changes that Cody and Katherine discussed. 


  • Brendan Works advised RBCC members of the city of Seattle’s “Street Tree” program.  He advocates trees planted along Waters (that would not block views and would like other like-minded neighbor to petition the City for this.

Next meeting is August 11, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Sally Li, Co-Chair of Rainier Beach Links2Lake, will give an overview of the project including major milestones that have been met since the last update, public and private funding information, construction timelines for beach access and Be’er Sheva Park improvements.

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 6/9/2021

Board Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor Dorothy Driver Gerd Prewett

Brett Boynton Alan Ross Joan Krueger

Anne Nolan Kathie Weibel

Standing Items

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting (Membership Meeting Minutes)
  • Corresponding Secretary report (Anne)
    • nothing to report
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership 
      • nothing to report
    • Building (Su)
      • grant was written to repair gutters
      • VFW contributing $500
    • Finance (Gerd)
    • Technology 
      • nothing to report
    • Social
      • nothing to report

Old Business

  • None to date.

New Business

  • Garden Tour is on for June 12
    • all are welcome to attend
    • family friendly event 
    • 13 great gardens
  • Thanks to all who volunteered for community clean up on June 5.  We logged more than enough hours to get matching funds from the City of Seattle to replace the RBCC clubhouses gutters! 
    • Special thanks to Kathie Alan for all the hard work to ensure project was a success
    • Emerson PTA and Friends of Hutchinson Park participated
    • there were 37 volunteers
  • Next RBCC meeting on July 14 will be outside with an ice cream social!!!

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Daniella Nicholas is the Community Education Coordinator for Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands. The farm is situated on about ten acres owned by City Parks between Beer Shiva Park and Pritchard Beach. Daniella spoke about the history, management, goals, diversity of programming, and ways to get involved and enjoy Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands. The farm is a very unique and special city park in your own backyard that’s working hard to restore a healthy ecosystem while growing food and community.  


  • none


Next meeting is July 14, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Cody Nelson of Seattle Public Utilities will provide an update on the Taylor Creek Restoration project. SPU’s Taylor Creek Restoration project will address and prevent localized flooding by improving drainage infrastructure, restoring the natural drainage system function of Taylor Creek and it’s watershed; eliminate barriers to fish passage; rebuild and improve natural habitat; and provide equitable opportunities to the community by expanding public access to open space. The project team has just reached the 90% Design phase and will be submitting for federal permits this fall. Construction is expected to begin in 2023. Please join us to learn more about the extents of the project area and the benefits to our South Seattle Tamill and Lakeridge neighborhoods.  

Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 5/26/2021

Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure

Anne Nolan Brett Boyton Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger Kathie Weibel

  1. Assessment of online membership meeting on May 12 and presentation by Larry and Cathie Wilmore of FAST.
  • wish we had bigger turn out for the wonderful presentation
  • we need to keep watch for trees being planted in grass strip on Waters
  1. RBCC got the grant from the City to replace RBCC clubhouse gutters.  Many thanks to Kathie!! Volunteer event scheduled for June 5 at 9:30 am.  We need volunteers to work 2-3 hours on neighborhood weeding.  
  • any hours since grant was submitted need to be recorded
  • all documents submitted
  • parks department has approved dates
  • Kathie has all the necessary sign-up sheets and flyer
  • Friends Hutchinson Park facebook page has 70 people who follow them and may be wiling to help
  • Jennie will get necessary bags, gloves, and shovels
  • Alan recommends that people bring their own equipment
  • We should be prepared to pick up litter as well as weed
  • Kathie is waiting to hear from the scouts
  • Gerd will get snacks, water, and coffee for participants
  • Meeting at club is at 9:30
  • Alan has sign in sheets and will be at the VFW hall so we get credit for the match for volunteer hours
  1. Garden Tour is scheduled for June12 (13 gardens – wow!!).
  • Keegan will update website with Garden tour flyer
  • Anne will send email with Garden Tour and B2B to all RBCC members
  • Danielle will send Keegan facebook link
  1. Member meeting included open discussion on when we would be ready to return to F2F meetings at the clubhouse and when we might resume renting.
  • June board meeting will be in person at the VFW hall
  • We will wait for direction for King County for direction for meeting in person and renting
  • Keegan will research what we need to do to consider in person club meeting in July with ice cream 7/14
  • We’re going to send postcards to announce first in person/ice cream social to specific mail routes 
  •         Alan will ask Dorothy for info about mailing, what size it was, etc
  •         Danielle will explore spec sheet and see what is offered
  •         Keegan will design it
  1. Future speakers for June and beyond
  • June: Tilth Alliance 
  • July: waiting for blurb from 
  • August: Sally Li Be’er Sheva Park
  • Future possible speaker
  •   Brett will reach out to Principal of Emerson, Erin Rasmussen
  • The school is supplying food for over 100 families
  • Kathie will explore the possibility of having candidates come
  1. Agenda items for June member meeting 
  • garden tour 6/12
  • announce ice cream social 7/14

Future Guest Speakers:

  • June – Daniella Nicholas, Tilth Alliance; possibly David Reyes, Friends of Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands; possibly Juan Peña, Tilth Alliance Need blurb.
  • July – Cody Nelson, the SPU Project Manager for Taylor Creek.
  • August – Sally Li – Co-chair of RB Link2Lake improvements at Be’er Sheva will provide update on construction timelines, milestones and funding.

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 5/12/2021

Board Members in Attendance

Keegan O’Connor

Gerd Prewett

Brett Boynton

Alan Ross

Danielle McClure

Joan Krueger

Standing Items

minutes approved

  • Corresponding Secretary report 

nothing to report

  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) 
      • nothing to report
    • Building nothing to report
      • nothing to report
    • Finance (Gerd)

Savings Acct $27,261.50

Checking Acct $  6,562.09

TOTAL $33,823.59

  • Technology (Alan)
    • annual renewal fee for website paid
  • Social (Danielle(
    • nothing to report

Old Business 

  • None to date

New Business

  • Garden Tour is scheduled for June12

13 gardens included

everyone is welcome

everyone was asked to share on social media

thanks to Joe for creating the poster

  • RBCC has requested a grant from City to replace RBCC clubhouse gutters.  Grant $ would share $2700 cost Ito get new gutters for RBCC Club house.  We would provide volunteer hours around the neighborhood to make up our share of the expense.  We we would need volunteers to work 2-3 hours on neighborhood weeding and such at a date to be determines.  This is like previous years’ B2B (Bridge to Beach) volunteer clean up events.

thank you to Kathie for all the hard work to secure the grant

max 10 people allowed  at a time to volunteer due to covid restrictions

we need 12-17  people to commit to 2-3 hours each for match

for June 5th or 6th

numbers include $500 for match

  • Open discussion on when we would be ready to return to F2F meetings at the clubhouse.  Should we start with an outdoor meeting?
    • meeting in person outside would be great
    • we’re ready to meet in person as long as we follow current guide lines
    • too early to decide for next month

Featured SpeakersLink to speaker presentation

Larry and Cathie Wilmore of Fathers and Sons Together (FAST).  FAST is a youth development organization that focuses on family development, providing guidance, support, and nurture to families, specifically those of color with a primary focus to empower fathers to develop strong relationships their sons.  Larry and Cathie shared an overview of FAST, upcoming programs, impact from COVID-19, opportunities to volunteer. If people want to participate in any activities they can reach out through the FAST website;


Some trees are being planted in the median on Waters Street. City Light was looking into planting trees in the median. Contact for more information about trees and landscaping

There was discussion about the recent murder in our community. There is no further information offered. 

Board Meeting Minutes

 RBCC Board Meeting 4/28/2021

Board Members in Attendance:

Keegan O’Connor Dorothy Driver Kathie Weibel

Gerd Prewett Danielle McClure Anne Nolan

Joan Krueger Brett Boyton Alan Ross


  1. Assessment of online membership meeting on April 14 and presentations by Liz Covey
  • well presented
  • would have been helpful earlier
  • glad to see new person attended
  • meeting time may be a challenge for getting young families to attend
  1. Kathie – City said that weeding Hutchinson Park, VFW and Cooper Steps would qualify for volunteer match for grant to fund new roof.  Need to establish a date and advertise on Next door.  No more than 10 volunteers per site, with social distancing.
  • Kathie typed grant is waiting for response from VFW for gutters
  • she expects to get that info shortly
  • Gerd said the VFW meeting approved $500 match for May 5
  • Hopefully will be approved by end of May
  • Max 10 people at a time. Can be different days or different groups in the morning or afternoon.  
  • There are several smaller projects and small teams can work on separately
  • Kathie will organize materials
  • Alan volunteered to organize a scheduled and people can sign up and keep track of hours
  • waste management will pick up at end of project 
  • space behind building to leave bags and waste management will pick it up

Alan brought up irrigation issues.  VFW picked up irrigation system and all the plants died.  

Gerd will ask Richard what the VFW wants. Would drought tolerant plants be a compromise?

We may need to be careful about not causing confrontation.  Kathie is willing to ask neighbors to sign letter asking VFW to fix up the area.  Alan doesn’t want to clean up if we’re going to let the plants die back. We can review this after we get letters

3.  Joan and Danielle – Garden tour update.  Do you have 6+ participants? 

  • 8 or 9 houses
  • Alan asked about check in concern
  • Safety waiver concern
  • Alan expressed concern about not having maps publicly available
  1. Kathie reports that Kubota Garden x-walk on Renton Ave. appears to have stalled but we may be able to file a grant under the Dept. of Neighborhood’s “Your Voice, Your Choice” program.
  • SDOT said it would cost $100,000
  • We can look at future budget
  • Department of Neighborhoods Your voice/your choice may be able in future budget there may be money for this project.  They are not taking ideas for any new projects for 2021
  • Putting a cross walk is on the list
  1. Alan – Update on the 51st  & Renton intersection.  Seems as though they are ready to start construction this year with the main change being an added 4-way stop (which seems terrible, in his opinion) –
  • 4 way stop will be installed at Roxbury and 51st and one at 51 and Renton
  • Traffic light is not going to be installed
  1. Anne – RBCC was approached by Bryan Mickelson, the lawyer representing survivors of 2 victims of shootings in the Safeway parking lots.  He is looking to file a wrongful death suit against Safeway, its triple net lease company that “owns” the lot and possibly the liquor store.  He has said that the police provided them a “binder of incidents and video” and urged them to improve lighting, add monitored surveillance video cams and hire off-duty cops or private security to patrol, especially near the fuel pumps. He seeks our input of ideas to fix the problem.
  • Mr. Mickelson is trying to determine what people know about the shooting
  • He is indicating that Safeway has more responsibility than they let on
  • The police have asked for monitored cameras and off duty officers to patrol specifically near gas pumps
  • He’s asking of the board has any suggestions about how to proceed
  • As community members we are concerned about safety in our neighborhood but do not feel that we need to take sides in this issue
  1. Anne – SPD suggested maybe Mark Solomon could speak about the recent shootings at the Safeway and in the neighborhood.
  • were going to pass on having Mark Solomon speak at meeting
  1. Future speakers for May and beyond
  • Danielle will reach out to groups involved with Safeway
  • Anne needs “blurbs” for May meeting speaker.  Keegan will reach out again
  • The work on Taylor Creek hasn’t begun but is due to.  Cody Nelson will update us on more relevant info than the last speaker
  • Kathie would like to get speaker about 
  1. Agenda items for May member meeting 
  • update on grant
  • garden tour update
  • outdoor member meeting in person with food truck

Future Guest Speakers:

  • May – Larry and Cathie Wilmore, FAST (Fathers and Sons Together). Need blurb
  • June – Daniella Nicholas, Tilth Alliance; possibly David Reyes, Friends of Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands; possibly Juan Peña, Tilth Alliance Need blurb.
  • July – Cody Nelson, the SPU Project Manager for Taylor Creek (tentative).
  • August – Sally Li – Co-chair of RB Link2Lake improvements at Be’er Sheva will provide update on construction timelines, milestones and funding.
Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 4/14/2021

Board Members in Attendance 

In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Kathie Wiebel  

Dorothy Driver Alan Ross Brett Boynton  Gerd Prewett Danielle McClure

Three other RBCC members in attendance.

RBCC meeting minutes from 3/10/21 meeting could not be approved as we did not have the required 15 in attendance.

Standing Items: 

  • Membership:  nothing to report  
  • Building: nothing to report  
  • Finance:  Our balance is $33,737.27 ($6,476.19 in checking and $27,261.08 in savings
  • Social: nothing to report  
  • Technology; nothing to report

Old Business:  None

New Business:

  • 2021 Garden Tour will take place live, not virtual, on 6/12/21 from 11 am to 2 pm.  Danielle reported that she and Joan are well on their way to getting the minimum 6 gardens to participate.  April 30 is deadline for recruits.  It will be a Covid-conscious and family-friendly event.
  • Kathie will submit grant request for $4000 for new gutters ($2700 + contingencies for dry rot, etc.) to city week of April 19.  She expects to hear back in early June, just in time to have a “B2B” type volunteer event to clean up neighborhood.  Per feedback in meeting, she will emphasize that RBCC has no-fee membership and allows many non-profits to use facility for free.

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Liz Covey is a private-practice therapist, mental health consultant, and parent coach located in South Seattle. Liz is also a freelance writer, and has a monthly column in the South Seattle Emerald called “Ask A Therapist”. She is a former Rainier Beach resident, and was a recipient of the goodwill of RBCC through her work with the Rainier Beach Girl Scouts troop.

Liz discussed “How to Stay Sane during Crazy Times.”  She focused to coping tactics and habits to address one’s body, mind, emotional and spiritual needs.  She told members that it is important to recognize worrisome emotions, accept that this is how you feel, ask yourself why you might feel that way and what you need now to feel better.

Per a request from Keegan, Liz will send to RBCC links for “Alternatives to Therapy” for low-cost mental health options.


  • Vicki Gezon told members about the Emerald City Food Not Bombs food give-away event that takes place at 3100 Alaska every Tuesday starting 11:30 and Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday starting at noon.  There is produce and other groceries as well as prepared food that is excellent quality

Next meeting is May 12, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Larry and Cathie Wilmore pf F.A.S.T. (Fathers and Sons Together).  Details to follow.

Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 3/24/2021 

Board Members in Attendance;

Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Anne Nolan

Gerd Prewett Kathie Weibel Brett Boyton

Joan Krueger Danielle McClure


  1. Assessment of online membership meeting on March 10 and presentations by Gary Olson of Seattle Watershed Alliance and Ellen Phillips-Angeles of Kubota Garden Foundation
  • Gary Olson was a bit of a disappointment because his presentation on Taylor Creek was not
    •   in the future we should tell the person more info about our membership to help them gear presentation to audience
    • he does not represent Taylor Creek project and members knew more about it than he did
    • Alan can reach out to Sally Li to see if there is an update about Prichard Beach for July speaker
    • Ellen Phillips-Angeles reported updates on Mapes Creek
    • There were some new members at the meeting
  1. Assessment of recent wine social and future social events
  • Fun but small turn out
  • people are zoomed out so attendance may be impacted
  • we discussed options for future events and perhaps waiting a month or two to schedule events
  • Brett may invite us to a ukulele event
  1. Assessment of 2021 budget proposed to members. 
  • no feed back

  4.  Grant ideas discussed with members are listed below.  Question to be answered is how will we accrue volunteer hours without Bridge to Beach event. 

  •   VFW has expressed interest in helping with our $ match.    
  •   We need 18 people to volunteer 3 hours to match funds. That         number will be reduced if VFW matches funds
  1. New gutters (est. $2,700)
  2. ADA-standard access ramps study assessment
  3. Form 990 EZ  for 2020 has been filed by Gerd with the IRS
  4. Kathie will file for the grant
  5. We need estimate for drain

Other grant discussion:

  1. Su got estimate for ADA ramp. 
  2. We discussed issue of getting ramp

Other community project:

  1. Get pedestrian crossing at Kubota gardens for next year
    • we need letters from other community groups 
    • Kathie will write letter as sample for community groups to support

5.   Update on taxes (Gerd) filed taxes. She used H&R Block 

6.   Holidays that land on membership meeting days 

  • we discussed how we want to acknowledge holidays when they conflict with meetings
  • we will discuss further at future meetings

7.   Garden Tour

  • June 12
  • we’re aiming for 6 gardens
  • simple 2021 covid conscious
  • time TBD

8.   Future speakers for April and beyond 

  • See below
  • Seattle Police Department (?) 
    • do they have a community person for us to reach out to?

9.   Agenda items for April member meeting 

  • garden tour
  • moving forward to grant for the gutters we may need volunteers

Future Guest Speakers:

 April – Liz Covey is a private practice therapist, mental health consultant, and parent coach located in South Seattle. Liz is also a freelance writer, and has a monthly column in the South Seattle Emerald called “Ask A Therapist”. She is a former Rainier Beach resident, and was a recipient of the goodwill of RBCC through her work with the Rainier Beach Girl Scouts troop.

May – Larry and Cathie Wilmore, FAST (Fathers and Sons Together). Need blurb  Keegan will follow-up follow-up to get blurb

June – Daniella Nicholas, Tilth Alliance; possibly David Reyes, Friends of Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands; possibly Juan Peña, Tilth Alliance Need blurb  Keegan will follow-up to get blurb

Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 3/10/2021

Board Members in Attendance 

In Attendance Keegan O’Connor Anne Nolan Kathie Wiebel  

Dorothy Driver Alan Ross Brett Boynton  Gerd Prewett Danielle McClure

Standing Items: 

  • Membership:  nothing to report  
  • Building: VFW agreed to reduce rent from $300/mo. to $100/mo. from April to August (pre-Covid, it was $600/month).  
  • Finance: We have a balance of $34,050.66. 
  • Social: Spring Fling HH will be Sat. March 20 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm  
  • Technology; Membership meeting Zoom link is now in RBCC website.

Old Business:  None

New Business:

  • 2021 Budget Overview – Gerd reported that expected revenue would only be about $700 (the amount we took in last year from the Arts and Crafts Fair).  Expenses are expected to total $5,500, so she anticipates a net reduction in income of about $4,300.
  • Membership ideas for how we should tap Seattle’s Neighborhood Matching Funds for 2021.  Question to be answered is how will we accrue volunteer hours without Bridge to Beach event.  VFW has expressed interest in helping with our $ match.  Ideas include:
    • New gutters (est. $2,700)
    • ADA-standard access ramps study assessment.

Featured SpeakerLink to speaker presentation

Gary Olson of Seattle Watershed Alliance (SWA).  SWA is working to bring folks from the various watersheds together to learn about, protect and improve the many watersheds in Seattle.  Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has improvement plans for the Taylor Creek watershed in the near future.  This is a good time for us to learn about and have a voice in this effort and Gary reviewed the SPU project on Taylor Creek and Dead Horse Canyon.  RBCC will reach out to to have SPU include our input in their plans and get an update from them.  For more info in the meantime, check out.

Ellen Phillip-Angeles from Kubota Garden Foundation provided a brief update on the Mapes Creek project.  The Foundation has gotten a 3 year grant to study the flows, floods and deposits that the park’s ponds and parking lot suffer following strong rains.  The study and proposed solutions should be completed by early 2022.


  • Donovan announced that a food drive that VFW and United Presbyterian Church are conducting.  They are taking food collections T and F from 10 am to 1 pm.
  • Alan reported that RBCC’s letter in support of the Volunteer Park ampitheatre rebuild must have helped.  The project is to start soon.

Next meeting is April 14, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Liz Covey is a private practice therapist, mental health consultant, and parent coach located in South Seattle. Liz is also a freelance writer, and has a monthly column in the South Seattle Emerald called “Ask A Therapist”. She is a former Rainier Beach resident, and was a recipient of the goodwill of RBCC through her work with the Rainier Beach Girl Scouts troop.

Board Meeting Minutes

RBCC Board Meeting 2/24/2021

Attendance:  Keegan O’Connor Alan Ross Danielle McClure

Kathie Weibel Anne Nolan Brett Boyton Joan Krueger Gerd Prewett

 Agenda Topics:

  1. Assessment of online membership meeting on Feb. 10 and presentations by Ryan Calkins of the Port of Seattle and Michael Gordon (shootings near Safeway).
  • both speakers were very good
  • there was a great deal of helpful information
  • 2 speakers worked well. Speakers were aware that there was a time limit.
  • We have 2 speakers scheduled for March
  1. According to the bylaws, the Finance Committee (Kathie as chair, Gerd as Treasurer, and another Executive Board Member) shall propose a budget to the Board, and then at the Member Meeting for approval.  Also,  form 990 filing.
  • budget projection should reflect “worse cast scenario”
  • Kathie suggested we wait for formal budget when we can start to generate income
  • $5,798 lost this year. Gerd included this info in last month’s
  • Finance committee will present high level overview will be presented to members

Tax Filing Update:

  • Gerd has meeting with accountant who does not for profit taxes in Renton to do taxes
  • Gerd will provide information for the IRS.  We do not pay taxes
  1. Gerd reports that there are 2 potential VFW projects this year:
  • Kathie reports that the first filing deadline for Neighborhood Grants is in April. 

Project ideas:

  • The gutter on the Pilgrim side needs replacing/fixing. This has been an issue for several years. Richard said that VWF might be able to provide a match if needed.
  • There are two steps going down to the basement from the Pilgrim side. If these steps could be replaced by a ramp the downstairs would be wheel chair accessible. The downstairs bathroom is accessible and the doors from the outside and to the bathroom are wide enough.
  • Su knows someone who would be able to provide estimates for projects.
  • RBCC would match with labor. VFW might be able to provide funds.
  • Anne will add this to general meeting agenda to get input from membership. The board won’t meet again before the grant deadline. 
  • Kathie suggested that we identify a project that would appeal to a larger section of the neighborhood 
  1. Future speakers for April and beyond
  • March Anne will confirm that Gary Olson is available and inform him that we will ask him to plan to plan for 30 minute presentation including Q&A
  • April Liz Covey available for April  general presentation related to mental health during pandemic.  She will present short powerpoint presentation and allow for questions
  • May Cathy and Larry WIlmore May  FAST (fathers and sons together).  They have used VFW hall to supply 

Ideas for future speakers:

  • Great “Washington Shake Out” for the September or October
  • HUB
  • Host of Rainier Radio (Danielle)
  • Tilth (Keegan will talk to Tom)

Other items for discussion:

  • USPS mailing to 2 zip codes and include info about community meetings and events
  • When it’s safe plan a large community event and follow up with postcard
  1. Agenda items for March member meeting besides the March 20 Vernal Equinox Wine event.

March Guest Speakers:

  1. March  – Gary Olson of Seattle Watershed Alliance (SWA).  SWA is working to bring folks from the various watersheds together to learn about, protect and improve the many watersheds in Seattle.  Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has improvement plans for the Taylor Creek watershed in the near future.  As this is a good time for us to learn about and have a voice in this effort, it is also an opportune time to learn about the SWA, who’s involved, its mission and how it is organized.  Gary will review the SPU project on Taylor Creek and Dead Horse Canyon.
  2. March – Ellen Phillips Angeles (or someone else from Kubota Garden Foundation) will provide a 10-15 minute update on the Mapes Creek project.
Member Meeting Minutes

RBCC Membership Meeting (zoom) 2/10/21

Board Members in Attendance

In Attendance Keegan O’Connor  Anne Nolan Kathie Weibel

Alan Ross Dorothy Driver Brett Boynton 

Gerd Prewett Joan Krueger Danielle McClure 

Standing Items

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of guests or new members
  • Approve minutes from last month’s member meeting 
  • Corresponding Secretary report (Anne) nothing to report
  • Reports of standing and special committees
    • Membership (Brett) nothing to report
    • Building (Gerd) nothing to report
    • Finance (Gerd)
      • Savings $27,260.14
      • Checking $7,693.43
      • TOTAL   $34,953.57
  • Technology (Alan)
  • website updated to include meeting info
  • Joan and Alan met so recorded speakers will be uploaded to website
  • Social (Danielle)
  • February social event  Valentine social event, 2/13 7:00-8:30
  • March social event Wine Social Event 3/20 link will be posted in next month’s email

Old Business 

Introduction to RBCC’s new 2021 Board Members

  • Keegan O’Connor, President
  • Alan Ross, Vice President
  • Gerd Prewett, Treasurer
  • Joan Krueger, Recording Secretary
  • Anne Nolan, Corresponding Secretary
  • Trustees:
    • Brett Boynton
    • Dorothy Driver
    • Danielle McClure
    • Kathie Weibel
  • Approval of Standing Committee Chairs
    • Finance – Kathie Weibel
    • Membership – Brett Boynton
    • Social – Danielle McClure

New Business

Featured Speakers – Link to speaker presentations

Ryan Calkins, Commissioner, Port of Seattle (30 minutes) – Ryan works as a nonprofit professional at Ventures, a charitable organization that supports low-income entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses in the Puget Sound area. For more than a decade, Ryan ran an import and distribution company in Seattle that was recognized for its industry-leading sustainability initiatives. In 2007, he formed Seattle Microfinance Organization (SeaMo) a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to capital for entrepreneurs with limited economic resources.

Michael Gordon (15 minutes) is a South Seattle resident and entrepreneur who is dedicated to improving the safety at the Rainier Beach Safeway and its parking lot. After selling his business in 2020, he is focused on and invested in giving back to the Rainier Beach community. He’ll address current efforts by the city and local organizations. With the recent surge in violence during the pandemic, he shares how we can reach a common goal to improve safety and opportunity for our neighborhood.



Next meeting is March 10, 2021 – Featured Speaker

Gary Olson of Seattle Watershed Alliance (SWA).  SWA is working to bring folks from the various watersheds together to learn about, protect and improve the many watersheds in Seattle.  Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has improvement plans for the Taylor Creek watershed in the near future.  As this is a good time for us to learn about and have a voice in this effort, it is also an opportune time to learn about the SWA, who’s involved, its mission and how it is organized.  Gary will review the SPU project on Taylor Creek and Dead Horse Canyon.